Garnet Valley High School Athletic Budget
Agenda 1.Athletic Participation 1.Fiscal Responsibility Expenses
Athletic Participation During the school year 49% of GVHS students (798) participated in at least 1 sport. Through the winter season 41% of GVHS students (672) have participated in at least 1 sport.
Athletic Participation Fall Men's Teams Football Soccer5859 X-Country Golf (Coed) Total Women's Teams Soccer4347 X-Country Hockey Tennis24 28 Volleyball Golf (Coed)432 Total
Athletic Participation Winter Men's Teams Basketball3533 Wrestling Swimming Winter Track4241 Total Women's Teams Basketball Swimming Winter Track Cheerleading Total
Athletic Participation Spring Men's Teams Baseball4951 Lacrosse7977 Track70 Tennis3529 Total233227TBD Women's Teams Softball42 Lacrosse5459 Track6859 Total164160TBD
Fiscal Responsibility Agreement with ACME to provide scoreboards $61,095 at no cost to the district!
Fiscal Responsibility Deals with vendors and football boosters to save the district $15,550 on football jerseys.
Fiscal Responsibility Relationships with local businesses Generated $13,066 in revenue to assist with field maintenance through the stadium sign program.
Revenue- Gate Receipts Revenues off set the cost of field maintenance and utilities.
Fiscal Responsibility: Future Endeavors Partnerships with community groups to upgrade facilities. Support from alumni groups to support facility projects. Expanding the stadium advertising program. Utilizing corporate sponsorships to offset the operating costs of tournaments. Utilizing revenue-sharing companies replace and upgrade equipment
Fiscal Responsibility New Team Doctor Contract $350 Savings to the district + Additional Services: 40 Clinics at a value of $7,480 to provide our students with the best care!
Fiscal Responsibility Creation of a X-Country Course on the campus of Bethel Springs Elementary School and the FHG Site. Eliminates the cost of traveling to Bellevue State park for meets. Eliminates the cost of holding meets at Bellevue State Park.
Fiscal Responsibility $2,500 in marketing agreements to fund awards (DCCC, Pioneer Electric, All-American Publishing)
$957,000 in Athletic Scholarships Awarded
Definitions Direct Expenses: those expenses that are commonly associated with running athletic programs. Indirect Expenses: those expenses that represent capital purchases, field maintenance, utilities, etc.
Direct Expenses
CategoryCode Budget Budget Change Salaries: Coaches and Assistant Athletic Director 131$417,577.$431,431.13,854. Payroll Benefits131$170,403.$172,572.2,169. Contracted Services: Doctor, Athletic Trainer, Officials, Game Workers, Security 339$152,008.$151, Equipment Repair: Cleaning and Reconditioning 432$30,350.$28,850.-1,500. Insurance528$6,875.$7, District/State Competition: Coaches education 581$9, Transportation582$87,931.$87, Supplies: Uniforms, Equipment, Awards,. 611$95,660.$107,810.12,150. Medical Supplies613$12,150.$0.-12,150. Dues/Fees: Central League, District 1, PIAA 811$12, Total$994,254.$ 1,008,630.14,376. (1.45%)
Expense Category Projected Change Capital Purchases$9,250.$20,850.11,600. Maintenance/ Custodial Costs: Field Maintenance, Lining of fields, Game Prep, and Cleanup $29,162$29, Utilities$23,563.$24, Totals$61,975.$74,841.12,866. Indirect Expenses: GVHS and GVMS
Capital Purchase: Pole Vault Pit 1. The current pit is 13 years old, replaced due to rules update in Pits usually last years if properly stored. Our pit has been outside year round until last winter which means considerable more wear and tear on the pads. A shed was donated in 2014 with the specific function of protecting our track pads from the elements and extending the life of the equipment. Prior to 2014 a suitable storage space was not available. 3. The current pit has deteriorated along the top layer. When an athlete lands yellow debris is kicked up from the breaking down existing pads. 4. Due to years of being outside the pads are waterlogged on the bottom causing them to sink in when placed. This has facilitated the need for wooden pallets to place under the pads to allow for a safe landing after an athlete vaults. Many of the clips that hold the pit together and rusted and bent which increases the gaps between the pads, causing athletes to land on an uneven surface.
Capital Purchase: Fitness Center Equipment An average of 330 students per year utilize the fitness center as a classroom. The fitness center is open 4 days a week after school with an average attendance of 120 students per week. Many of the machines are 15 years old and are reaching the end of their life cycle.
Replacement Cycle: Fitness Center Cardio EquipmentPurchase YearReplacement YearService Year Treadmill Precor # Every Year Treadmill Precor # Every Year Treadmill Precor # Every Year Treadmill Precore # Every Year EFX Precor # Every Year EFX Precor # Every Year EFX Precor # Every Year Bike Precor # Every Year Bike Precor # Every Year Bike Precor # Every Year Recumbent Precor Bike Every Year Concept Two Rower Every Year Treadmill Landice Every Year