W INDMILL P ROJECT By: Zoe Jones, Madison Raynor & Samantha Jackson
W HAT IS OUR PRODUCT ? Our new product, is an improved version of the ordinary straightener, and uses environmentally friendly designs. Harmful ceramic plates- use way more electricity than needed. Our new cord inspired by shark skin will regulate electric flow, and use much less electricity.
W HAT INSPIRED OUR PRODUCT ? Great White Shark Shark skin is a conductor, but unlike other animals, it has very small pores, and does not allow as much as normal animals. Creating shark inspired cords will automatically regulate the use of electricity based on the heat you select for your straightener. Loggerhead Turtle Turtle shells surprisingly heat up just like ceramic plates, but not at the extent of electricity. Ceramic plates heat up at around 310 degrees, which is extremely hot, but turtle shells heat up at around 200 degrees, using much less electricity to heat up the plates.
H OW DOES OUR PRODUCT IMPROVE LIFE ? Environment Replaces harmful ceramic that is normally used in straighteners The shark inspired chords will be able to better control electricity flow in order to save energy Turtle shell heats up quick but releases the heat better than a normal hair straightener Quality of Life Many teenage girls deal with the struggle of flat irons that burn and or damage hair Damaged hair = sad hair Cheaper! Cheap products = happy wallet