District Wide Parental Involvement Policy Basis for Parental Involvement Policy Section 1118 (a)(2) -Each local education agency that receives funds under this part shall be developed jointly with, agreed upon, and distributed to, parents of participating children a written parent involvement policy.
Strengthening Communities Through Parent Empowerment Key sections of Title I -Section 1111(d)concerns of parent involvement requirements for states. -Section 1118 concerns parent involvement requirements for states and districts. -Section 1114(b)concerns parent involvement requirements for school wide programs. Section1120(a) concerns parent involvement to children enrolled in private schools.
Strengthening Communities Through Parent Empowerment What Educational Programs Must Follow the Guidelines of ESEA/NCLB Policies? LEA (Local Education Agencies) School Districts Charter Schools Schools that are recipients of Title I Service.
Overview of the NCLB law NCLB or the Elementary and Secondary Education ACT(ESEA) passed by Congress in ESEA is the law that sets the policies and procedures for public education in all states. Every six years, Congress reauthorizes or Or revises ESEA, the current version, now called NCLB was signed by President Bush in 2002.
Terms to know Title I -created to ensure equal opportunity for all students. -Serves low achieving students in high poverty schools. Includes students that fall in these categories: -Limited English ability -American Indian -Migrant -Neglected, delinquent, or at risk students. -students with disabilities Students who need reading help.