Highlights from Overview of Undergraduate Study Abroad and International Students ***** Patrick M. Boyle, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Academic Centers and Global Initiatives
International Student Population ***** Fall 2009Fall 2010Fall 2011Fall 2012AY AY Term to Term Comparison Fall 2009-Spring Total number of full-time, F-1 visa students: 979 Undergraduate: 342 English Language Learning Program (ELLP): 104 Graduate: 472 Optional Practical Training (OPT) Students: 61
International Student Country of Origin ***** South Korea, 39 China, 328 India, 59 Saudia Arabia, 117 Ecuador, 16 Canada, 17 Italy, 18 Mexico, 19 Nigeria, 19 Brazil, 15 Top 10 Countries - All Students
Participation by Region ***** Europe (520 students, 76.4%) Middle East/North Africa (18 students, 2.6%) Latin America/Caribbean (46 students, 6.8%) North America (1 student, 0.1%) Australia/Oceania (5 students, 0.7%) Multi-country (5 students, 0.7%) Asia (83 students, 12.2%) Sub-Saharan Africa (4 students, 0.6%) ItalySpain EnglandEngland ChinaChinaVietnam Nu m b e r of Stud e nts Fi v e Mo s t P op u lar D es ti n a tions
Ethnic Background ***** White/Caucasian (73.4%) Multi-racial (11.9%) Asian American/Pacific Islander (7.4%) Hispanic American (4.6%) Black/African American (1.7%) Did not specify (0.7%) American Indian/Alaska Native (0.3%) 25.9% of study abroad students identified themselves as an ethnic minority in LOCUS. The general LUC undergraduate population is comprised of 34% ethnic minorities.
Awarded Scholarships & Grants ***** The Beijing Center Award (1.7%) Vietnam Center Award (20.9%) 44.50% 24.60% Go Global Faculty-led Program Award (24.6%) Ricci Scholarship (3.5%) Benjamin A. Gilman Award (4.9%) 20.90% Program Provider Award (2.9%) 1.70% 3.50% 4.90% 2.90% John Felice Center Award (44.5%) Total Awarded for : $354,200