Descriptive Mineralogy Non-Silicates: Carbonates
Classification of the Minerals Non-Silicates –Native Elements –Halides –Sulfides –Carbonates –Sulfates –Phosphates –Oxides –Hydroxides Silicates –Orthosilicates –Sorosilicates –Cyclosilicates –Chain Silicates –Layer Silicates –Tektosilicates
Carbonates Calcite Group Aragonite Group Dolomite Group Other carbonates
Carbonate Periodic Table
Calcite Group Calcite CaCO 3 Magnesite MgCO 3 Siderite FeCO 3 Rhodochrosite MnCO 3 Smithsonite ZnCO 3
Calcite Structure Space Group R-3c Divalent cation radius < 1.00Å
Calcite CaCO 3
Occurrence: Sedimentary: Detrital and Evaporite limestones Metamorphic: Marble Low temperature hydrothermal. Igneous: Carbonatites, Kimberlites Uses: Building stone, Sculpture, Gravel and paving Acid mine drainage mitigation
Rhodochrosite MnCO 3 Occurrence: Low T Hydrothermal Uses:Mineral Specimens
Siderite FeCO 3 Occurrence:Low temperature hydrothermal. Use; Minor ore of Fe
Magnesite MgCO 3 Occurrence: olivine weathering Uses:Chalk CO 2 Sequestration?
Smithsonite ZnCO 3 Occurrence: Oxidized Hydrothermal (after sphalerite) Uses:Minor ore of Zn
Aragonite Group Aragonite CaCO 3 Strontianite CaCO 3 Witherite BaCO 3 Cerussite PbCO 3
Aragonite Structure Space Group Pbnm Cation Radius > 1.00Å
Aragonite CaCO 3 Occurrence: High pressure rocks Some shells Boiler scale Uses:None
Strontianite SrCO 3 Occurrence: Low T Hydrothermal Uses:Principal source of Sr (used in fireworks, ammunition, flares)
Witherite BaCO 3 Occurrence: Low T Hydrothermal Uses:Rat Poison
Witherite transforms at RT from orthorhombic to trigonal Witherite (BaCO 3 ) 0 GPa8.0 GPa
Cerussite PbCO 3 Occurrence: Oxidized Hydrothermal Uses:Minor ore of Pb
Dolomite Group Dolomite CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 Ankerite CaFe(CO 3 ) 2
Dolomite CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 Occurrence: Sedimentary, Igneous (carbonantites) Uses:None
Other Carbonates Malachite Cu 2 (CO 3 )(OH) 2 Azurite Cu 3 (CO 3 ) 2 (OH) 2 Bastnasite CeCO 3 F Bastnasite REECO 3 F
Malachite Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2 Occurrence: Low T Hydrothermal Supergene Cu Uses:Minor ore of Cu, gems and ornaments
Azurite Cu 3 (CO 3 ) 2 (OH) 2 Occurrence: Low T Hydrothermal Supergene Cu Uses:Minor ore of Cu, gems and ornaments
Bastnasite CeCO 3 F Occurrence: Pegmatite Uses:Principal Source of Rare Earth Elements
Bastnasite CeCO 3 F
Carbonate Periodic Table
Gossans are Oxidized Hydrothermal Deposits