Green Ambassadors
50 years old +5,000 WWF has over 5,000 staff worldwide WWF was founded In WWF is in over 100 countries, on 5 continents +5M WWF has over 5 million supporters WWF in short
Climate Change
What can we do?
WWF’s vision for the Green Ambassadors scheme WWF-UK’s ‘flagship’ schools programme Young people as leaders for sustainability Building skills and confidence A more sustainable school in which to work, learn and play. Contributing to a healthy, green planet KDPS GREEN DAY 4 TH January
Meet the Green Ambassadors team Brick – Buildings and grounds Crush - Waste Leafy – Plants and animals Smith – Food Wheel - Travel and traffic
Meet the team Tap - Water Lefty & Righty – team work Puz & Zel – spreading the world Earth – global links Switch - Energy
What are the next steps? Green Ambassadors