Review Take a piece of loose leaf paper and fold it in half hot dog way, then fold it in half hamburger way. Label each box with one of the following terms, using all 8: -Popular Sovereignty -Reconstruction -Loose Constructionists -Strict Constructionists -13 th, 14 th, 15 th Amendments -Booker T. Washington *Declaration of Sentiments *Plessy vs. Ferguson Use your notes to explain the importance of each of these topics
Plessy v Ferguson– “Separate but Equal” Jim Crow laws in the south segregated Black Americans from White Americans. In 1896 the Jim Crow Laws were challenged in the Supreme Court. The court’s decision would set back African American Civil Rights. The court decided that separate is ok, as long as it is equal
Declaration of Sentiments The Women’s Rights movement officially began in 1848 when Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, NY. The meeting issued the Declaration of sentiments and set the goals of equality among men and women. The Declaration of Sentiments played off the opening words of the Declaration of Independence…
Booker T. Washington Booker T Washington was an educated African American who believed the only way for African Americans to gain equality and rights was through hard work and education. Booker T. Washington pushed the Black community to educate themselves and become trained in occupations that would help deliver them out of poverty. He helped found the Tuskegee Institute, an all black college and training center