CHCCS301A Work within a Legal and Ethical Framework
Elements Element One: Demonstrate an understanding of legislation and common law relevant to work role Element Two: Follow the organisation’s policies and practices Element Three: Work ethically Element Four: Recognise and respond when the client’s rights and Interests are not being protected
ELEMENT ONE Demonstrate an Understanding of legislation and Common Law Relevant to Work Role
Child Care Regulations Each State and Territory in Australia has a set of regulations that define the minimum standards for the provision of child care services. These include; ☺ Staffing and qualifications ☻ Safety and Maintenance (equipment and premises) ☺ Health (including infection control) ☻ Safety of children and staff ☺ Programming requirements
Duty of Care Staff within Children’s Services are also responsible for ensuring that they understand and adhere to regulations. Staff have a ‘duty of care’ obligation, that requires staff to take personal responsibility to ensuring the well being of children, families and other staff. Failure to do so can result in serious consequences. This may include dismissal. Maintaining confidentiality is a key aspect of duty of care. This includes issues relating to other staff and/or families, issues relating to other services or future developments, acquisitions or structural changes relating to your service.
ELEMENT TWO Follow the organisation’s policies and practices
The benefits of clear written policies Policies need to be reviewed regularly to meet the changing needs of families and the community. It is important services review whether the centre practices and policies are congruent or whether they need to be adjusted.
ELEMENT THREE Work Ethically
Ethical Dilemmas It is inevitable that at some time in our careers we will be faced with situations that challenge our values and beliefs. We may observe or become aware of actions of other staff that are inappropriate or we may discover information about someone that may negatively affect the service or a child. We may see many sides to the situation and feel uncertain of how to act. The worst thing we can do is turn a blind eye when we know something is wrong.
Confidentiality In all of your units we discuss confidentiality time and time again. Confidentiality is a key ethical consideration and relates to our duty of care to protect the children in our care. Breaches of confidentiality can have serious consequences for the service, children and families and you. Your confidentiality policy will outline your obligations
ELEMENT FOUR Recognise and Respond When Client’s Rights and Interests are Not Being Protected
Collection of Children Being aware of who is legally responsible for a child is very important in relation to our duty of care. For example, we need to know who is allowed to have access to the child and who is able to collect them. Information is collected at enrolment and should be periodically updated. This information should always be checked if there is any doubt.
The New Learning Framework Standards Changes to come Please Read and discuss handouts in groups of three.