The Beginning of Life Genesis 1:3 (p 1) 1:26-27 (p 2-3) 1:4-6 (p 5) 6:5-8 (p 8-9)


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Presentation transcript:

The Beginning of Life Genesis 1:3 (p 1) 1:26-27 (p 2-3) 1:4-6 (p 5) 6:5-8 (p 8-9)

Introduction  Light in the Darkness  A Unique Creation  The Appeal of the Peel  The Continual Saga

Light in the Darkness  The Earth without form  Darkness covers the earth  Lucifer cast into darkness  God speaks Jesus Christ into the darkness

Unique Creation  God said, let there be...  God said... ‘let us make mankind...  ‘In our image, in our likeness’  Created to rule over all the earth  Including Satan

The Appeal of the Peel  Good for food... easy to look at... able to make wise  God walks in the garden  Separation initiated by Adam

Continual Saga  Separation (sin) continues  Cain and Abel  Attack on the (S)seed  Flood – purifies the generations

His, Theirs and Our Story  God desires fellowship  Walk in the cool of the day  Adam/Eve desired to be like God

His, Theirs and Our Story  We must choose  to “be like God” or  to “fellowship with God”