The Beginning of Life Genesis 1:3 (p 1) 1:26-27 (p 2-3) 1:4-6 (p 5) 6:5-8 (p 8-9)
Introduction Light in the Darkness A Unique Creation The Appeal of the Peel The Continual Saga
Light in the Darkness The Earth without form Darkness covers the earth Lucifer cast into darkness God speaks Jesus Christ into the darkness
Unique Creation God said, let there be... God said... ‘let us make mankind... ‘In our image, in our likeness’ Created to rule over all the earth Including Satan
The Appeal of the Peel Good for food... easy to look at... able to make wise God walks in the garden Separation initiated by Adam
Continual Saga Separation (sin) continues Cain and Abel Attack on the (S)seed Flood – purifies the generations
His, Theirs and Our Story God desires fellowship Walk in the cool of the day Adam/Eve desired to be like God
His, Theirs and Our Story We must choose to “be like God” or to “fellowship with God”