Authority in the Church: Teaching and Governing
Christ gave Apostles His supernatural authority “All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:18-19) Pope and Bishops are the Apostles’ successors Hierarchy: Ranking of those in authority Structure seen in early Church Has expanded since then
Pope has “primacy” (first place) in the Church Successor of Peter “On this rock I will build my Church” Visible head of the Church Represents Christ, the invisible head Bishops Successors of the Apostles A shepherd of a specific local part of the Church The hierarchy’s job is to serve the people Pope’s title: Servus Servorum Dei (servant of the servants of God)
People see Church’s law as restrictive Really, when people understand the law they can be more free to enjoy living within it It affects them whether or not they know about it because whether or not they agree, the teachings of the Church are true i.e. law of gravity
Constant teaching of the Church on matters of faith and morals will be free from error Given so that people can trust the Church Belongs to the Church as a whole In a special way to the Pope and the Bishops
Matter of faith and morals Must be speaking to the Church as a whole Ex Cathedra “from the chair of authority” Must be intending to speak as the Pope, not as a bishop or normal person Must be intending to pronounce and unchangeable decision
Been accepted from the beginning of the Church Not defined (officially declared) until 1870 First Vatican Council An example of the Development of Doctrine Pope is not infallible only because the Council said he was Rather, it said he was infallible because he is in fact infallible While he can be infallible, the pope is not impeccable Popes are not sinless; they are people too!
Teaching office of the Church Extraordinary Magisterium Solemn and formal exercise of the Church’s role as teacher i.e. councils Always authoritative Ordinary Magisterium Normal and regular exercise of the Church’s role as teacher Also always authoritative i.e. Encyclicals, synods, and bishop instruction
Doctrine has to do with what we believe Church cannot just change these things even if they want to, as they have been revealed by God Discipline has to do with what we do Rules for how we act and worship i.e. fasting, not eating meat on certain days in lent, holy days of obligation, fasting before Communion Church can change these things Church has equal authority over both We must be obedient to both