Somalia 17 months Roadmap plan to achieve 100% coverage of malaria control by Dec Annual Malaria Revie and Planning Meeting FOR EAST & SOUTHERN AFRICA July 09 Safari Hotel Windhoek, Namibia
Situation Analysis Only C&SZ are targeted for LLINs distribution / C&SZ estimated population 5,500,000 (2,750,000 LLINs as 1 per 2 persons) 257,935 LLINs have been distributed (2/HH) All public health facilities use ACTs/RDTs (100% coverage / Estimated Annual Malaria cases sre 700,000 (ACTs + RDTs to cover all by age group) Only 40% of population are covered with health services (280,000) 60% of labs needed to undergo QC Capacity building Needed –Training of 80 MMRT –8 senior lab tech to be trained in lab QC –470 staff trained in malaria communication –560 health staff trained on epidemic preparedness & response
Fund available from GF : Global Fund Round 6: USD 27,678, million LLINs ACTs RDTs
1.2 million LLINs Ordering and Distribution Activities Situation analysis X X BCC plan development X Procurement XXXXX Training X Distribution XXXXXXXXXX M&E XX
ACTs &RDTs Activities BCC plan development XX Procurement & logistics XXX Training XX X Distribution XXXXXXXXXXXXX M&E XX
Supervision & Capacity building 1 Activities % of labs undergoing QC X X X X X X 80 MMRT XXXXX QC for 4 senior LT XX
Supervision & Capacity building 2 Activities trained in malaria communicat 560 health staff trained on EPR XXXXX 12 to be trained in VC XXX
8 1. Lack of strong central government 2. Poor co-ordination between PR-SR and WHO 3. Weak HMIS/MIS 4.Trained staffs turn over. 5. Sustainability of the ACT& RDTs supply for Somalia (After GF support?) 6. Inadequate human capacity in malaria microscopy and Entomology & VC. 7. Lack of central reference laboratory for malaria QC. 8.Low national staff motivation Key Challenges in Somalia
Technical Assistance needs over 17 months National Malaria Strategy update ( ) Updating communication strategy for malaria IEC/BCC M&E Operational research(AMDR-Study) and insecticide resistance monitoring Establishment of insectory Strengthening HIMS, malaria surveillance Health Facility mapping
Thank you