Capacity-building Activities of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) SCOR Summit of International Marine Research Projects London, UK 7-9 December 2006
SCOR is well known internationally for its capacity-building activities, which began in the early 1960s as SCOR involved scientists from the Indian Ocean region in the International Indian Ocean Expedition. According to SCOR’s parent, the International Council for Science: “Well known is the reputation of SCOR for its extensive outreach to scientists, laboratories, and research organizations in the developing world. Over the last 45 years, many developed country oceanographers made their first contacts with developing country scientists through SCOR meetings and reports.” development of the idea of Regional Graduate Schools of Oceanography. SCOR’s current activities in capacity building include participation of developing country scientists on SCOR working groups, panels, and committees; travel grants for developing country scientists to attend ocean science meetings; a program of fellowships for ocean observations (with POGO); provision of copies of reports to 43 libraries in 33 developing countries and countries with economies in transition; and
New SCOR Committee on Capacity Building Chair: Venu Ittekkot, University of Bremen, Germany Terms of Reference 1.Provide direction for all of SCOR’s existing capacity-building activities: participation of scientists from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in SCOR activities, POGO- SCOR Fellowship Program, travel grants, and provision of reports to libraries in developing countries. 2.Guide and assist SCOR Executive Director in development of new capacity-building activities, particularly the Regional Graduate Schools of Oceanography activity. 3.Assist SCOR-sponsored projects in developing their capacity- building activities. 4.Help SCOR arrange funding for existing and new capacity-building activities. 5.Assist SCOR in interacting with regional and international groups related to capacity building in ocean sciences, such as the ICSU regional centers, START, IOC regional programs, etc.