Seth Mastin MIT senior in computer science Kurt Stiehl MIT junior in Mechanical engineering Naseem Makiya Harvard freshman Build-It-Blocks Development Team
Content and Delivery Collaboration Build It Blocks Storylines & Challenges Online database of subroutines, functional building blocks and construction tips.
Build-It-Blocks Goal Results Enable kids to build complex, engaging projects quickly. Seed ideas for playful constructions.
Functional requirements Results 1.Functional building blocks and construction tips are presented in a playful context. 2.The style targets kids who may not be on a science or engineering track. 3.Kids are encouraged to present ideas in a way that attracts attention. 4.Design lessons are based on modular construction techniques. 5.Theory and challenges are presented so that kids can edit a module. 6.Content and UI can be customized. 7.Content is displayed from a database and is both flexible and scalable.
Results > 28,000 modules built 9/04 – 2/05 Documentation that enables an MIT computer science major to make edits after only one day. > 4000 hours in development.
Next Steps Results Shrink wrap challenges and Build-It-Blocks. Test Webcast platform. Develop Web design course. Develop game design course. Explore other disciplines such as music and language.
Recruiting MIT and Harvard Students Results Talented pool of eager labor. $10/hour UROP program. Interesting work. Easy to grow and perpetuate circle.