EFGS.info in a new framework - a way to share knowledge about spatial statistics GEOSTAT 2 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November
Outline Point of departure: The work packages Kick-off meeting Specification of new EFGS.info Development of new EFGS.info Restructuring work Share your knowledge Discussion EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
GEOSTAT 2: Work package 2 Objectives An attractive and user friendly Wiki solution presenting information from EUROSTAT projects from EFGS.info Deliverables 1.Presenting a Wiki prototype at EFGS Conference An intermediate report describing: –A Wiki prototype and feedbacks from users. 3.A final technical report describing: –the content and the functionalities of the Wiki. –a plan for further improvements. –the Wiki solution itself. 3 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
GEOSTAT 2: Work package 3 Objectives To maintain and to improve EFGS.info including an overall plan for information flow. Deliverables 1.EFGS conference webpage 2015 and EFGS and project news during project 3.Description of existing efgs.info and needs for improvement 4.Integrating the Wiki solution into the EFGS website 4 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
The GEOSTAT2 - Kick off meeting GEOSTAT2 Consortium - focusing on the user needs Participants identified several use cases Use cases were summarized into four typical use cases: 1.grid data and related metadata access 2.spatial statistics explained for advanced users 3.spatial statistics explained for general public 4.conference participation 5 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Specification of new EFGS.info - content News and events Spatial statistics explained - For general public –Terminology and FAQ –User cases (sales arguments) –Production model (light) Spatial statistics explained - For more advanced users –Information base – Best practices, manuals and templates –Production model for advanced users EFGS Conference (information about conferences) Data access About EFGS 6 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Specification of new EFGS.info - technical Series of technical requirements for the Content Management System (CMS) including: Open source technology/standards, Easy manageable and commonly used CMS Easy to migrate and secure allow multiple languages allow users to register and a web-administrator to define user roles allow the register allow registered users to upload information (documents and comments); expandable …… 7 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Conclusions from specification works A restructured website is more important than a wiki Limited need for a two way communication tool (as wiki) due to : a small user forum limited web-editor ressources Solution making it easier to publish information decentralising the work related to publications EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Development of new EFGS.info Opened up for a new CMS due to: few developers using Plone not satisfied with the Plone developer used in GEOSTAT 1 need for a more flexible and portable system In dialog with three companies 2 proposing the CMS of Wordpress for developers 1 proposing CMS of ez publish Ended up with Wordpress for developers EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Implementation of new content structure GEOSTAT 2 workshop in Stockholm 10th and 11th of February 2015
Introduction to new users 11 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Introduction to new users 12 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Introduction to new users 13 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
News and events 14
Information base 15
Data 17
Data 18
About 19 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Restructuring of the website From project and conference material 20 to information base
Share your knowledge 21 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015
Share your knowledge - contributor 22 Publish
Share your knowledge - editor 23 OK? Publish
Discussion What will make you publish your project news on EFGS.info? Do you miss any headings or other items ? Thank you! 24 EFGS Conference in Vienna 10th - 12th of November 2015