Spreadsheet Formulas Cell Data - is classified according to its intended purpose.
Cell Data Labels — Data that contains text, symbols, or numbers not used in calculations Examples: John Jones, January 3, Social Security #, Phone #, ZIP Code Note: Put an apostrophe (‘) before a number to make that entry recognized as a label (the ‘ does not show when you press enter). Example: ‘27613(Put ‘ so the ZIP Code is recognized as a label or text, not a value, by the computer) Values — Numbers entered into spreadsheet cells that may be used for calculations (constants, percentages, currency, dates). Example: 150 Cell Alignment: Labels align at the left of the cell Values align at the right of the cell
Data Types Examples Label Value Formula Formula Bar
Basic Spreadsheet Formulas All Formulas begin with an equal sign = Math operators are used in formulas: + for addition- for subtraction * for multiplication/ for division Examples of basic formulas: Addition=B7+C7 Subtraction=B7-C7 Multiplication=B7*C7 Division=B7/C7 Formulas - equations with symbols for math operations. Formulas - are used for mathematical calculations.
Order of Operations The Order of Operations is the mathematical procedure of calculating formulas used in spreadsheets. Formulas calculate in a specific order: 1.A formula in Excel always begins with an equal sign (=). The equal sign tells Excel that a formula is to be entered into the cell. 2.Following the equal sign are the items to be calculated. The elements to be calculated are called the operands. Operands are separated by calculation operators. 3.Excel calculates the formula from left to right, according to a specific order for each operator in the formula.
Order of Operations con’t 4. Excel performs operations on the items enclosed in parentheses first. 5. After calculating what is in the parentheses, the order in which Excel performs formula operations based on the operators is as follows: 1 st exponentiation^ 2 nd multiplication* 3 rd division/ 4 th addition+ 5 th subtraction-
Order of Operation Example #1 =(A8+C9)/(H8-L9) The parentheses around the first part of the formula force Excel to calculate (A8+C9) first and then (H8-L9) divide the 2 results. A8 = 10 C9 = 2 H8 = 7 L9 = 1 SOLVE!! =(10+2)/(7-1) =12/6 =2
Order of Operation Example #2 Values C7 = 2, C8 = 4, F4 = 2 Formula #1 =C7+C8*F4 Solve Formula #2 =(C7+C8)*F4 Solve Answer is 10Answer is 12 Why are they different?
You can see this screen containing formulas by holding the Ctrl key and tapping the ` (tilde/accent) key. Repeat Ctrl` to return to the normal Excel screen view.