● CS-362: Data Structures Week 6 Part 2 Dr. Jesús Borrego 1
Topics Dynamic Data ▫Pointers ▫Address Pointers to different data types Sample programs 2
Pointer Data Type/Pointer Variables The type is integer The Name of the integer is A The address is The value stored in A is 325 int A = 325;10280 A 3 325
More Pointers 4
Running the program 5
PointerAndAddress 7
Declaring Pointer Variables Syntax: Examples: int *p; char *ch; These statements are equivalent: int *p; 8
Pointer Intro Program (I) 9
Pointer Intro Program (II) 10
Running the program 11
Pointer Intro Program (I) 12
Pointer Intro Program (II) 13
Pointer Intro Program (II) 14
MoreStruct 15
Running the program 16
MoreBeatles (I) 17
MoreBeatles (II) 18
MoreBeatles (III) 19
Running the program 20
PointerSwap 21
Running the Program 22
What happened? The swap did not work? The before and after are the same Need to make sure we get the values back to the calling program It is calling by Value How do we fix it? 23
Address of Operator ( & ) The ampersand, &, is called the address of operator The address of operator is a unary operator that returns the address of its operand 24
PointerSwap2 25
PointerSwap3 26
Running the program (I) 27
Running the program (II) 28
Dynamic Arrays Dynamic array: array created during the execution of a program Example: int *p; p = new int[10]; *p = 25; p++; //to point to next array component *p = 35; 29 stores 25 into the first memory location stores 35 into the second memory location
Dynamic Arrays (cont'd.) C++ allows us to use array notation to access these memory locations The statements: p[0] = 25; p[1] = 35; store 25 and 35 into the first and second array components, respectively 30
Dynamic Arrays (cont'd.) 31
Dynamic Arrays (cont'd.) 32
Dynamic Arrays (cont'd.) The value of list ( 1000 ) is constant – Cannot be altered during program execution – The increment and decrement operations cannot be applied to list If p is a pointer variable of type int, then: p = list; copies the value of list, the base address of the array, into p – We can perform ++ and -- operations on p An array name is a constant pointer 33
34 Dynamic Arrays (cont'd.)
Functions and Pointers A pointer variable can be passed as a parameter either by value or by reference To make a pointer a reference parameter in a function heading, use & : void pointerParameters(int* &p, double *q) {... } 35
Pointers and Function Return Values A function can return a value of type pointer: int* testExp(...) {... } 36
Dynamic Two-Dimensional Arrays You can create dynamic multidimensional arrays Examples: 37 declares board to be an array of four pointers wherein each pointer is of type int creates the rows of board declares board to be a pointer to a pointer
PointerArray 38
PointerArray (Cont’d) 39
Running the program 40
PrintArray2D 41
PrintArray2D (Cont’d) 42
PrintArray (Cont’d) 43
Running the Program 44
Resources Can search the internet for tutorials on pointers On YouTube: eghttp:// eg From Google, search for ▫“C++ pointer tutorial“ 45