Which species will it be? by Keshi Taryan-Kigel The Race to Super Hominid
The Frontrunner 2.2 to 1.6 million years BCE 2.2 to 1.0 million years BCE 3.0 to 2.0 million years BCE
What made him so great? our direct ancestor first member of genus homo larger brain size used tools lived cooperatively
Physical appearance brain size at least 650 cc., larger than australopithecines Broca’s area found in brain, so H. habilis maybe spoke. about 127 cm (5’0”) tall about 45 kg (100 lb) in weight reduced molars and premolars bi-pedal foot structure
Handy man! first of our ancestors to use tools: sticks, rocks, etc. sharp-edged flakes of stone called Oldowan tools used to cut meat off carcass used tools to dig in dry savannah soil for roots, bulbs, tubers beginning of technological thought
A Socialite men hunted in groups for large prey women gathered vegetables while carrying infants shared food division between male and female roles lots of cooperation
Where was this winner discovered? H. habilis first discovered in Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania by the Leakeys fossils and tools also found in Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Africa
Hey! Are you a cheater?! Some scientists used to not believe H. habilis existed as a species because of the wide range of variation in specimens
The unexpected winner! 2 to 0.4 million years BCE not as wide-ranging as erectus: only Africa Not as great an adventurer as “upright man”, who went to Eurasia didn’t know how to use fire didn’t make as sophisticated tools as erectus did