M5 – Graphic Animation Reeling in the Year!
Today we are going to create a happy New Year Card We are going to create an E-Card. We are going to create an E-Card. It will say goodbye to 2012, and hello to 2013 It will say goodbye to 2012, and hello to 2013 We will be putting in our top 5 highlights of 2012, followed by a message to welcome 2013! We will be putting in our top 5 highlights of 2012, followed by a message to welcome 2013! We will use motion tweens, motion guides, and text effects. We will use motion tweens, motion guides, and text effects.
Take a look at my example On my weebly, take a look at mine for inspiration and to give you an idea of what I am expecting On my weebly, take a look at mine for inspiration and to give you an idea of what I am expecting Design something new. I want it to be your idea, and the 5 most important things of 2012 in your eyes Design something new. I want it to be your idea, and the 5 most important things of 2012 in your eyes
What I am looking for! I am looking for all animation techniques we have learned so far this semester. Use motion guides, tweens and text effects. Other ideas might be fading in and out of images. I am looking for all animation techniques we have learned so far this semester. Use motion guides, tweens and text effects. Other ideas might be fading in and out of images. Useful link: Useful link: to/content/how-to-create-fade-effects-in- flash-cs5.html to/content/how-to-create-fade-effects-in- flash-cs5.html to/content/how-to-create-fade-effects-in- flash-cs5.html to/content/how-to-create-fade-effects-in- flash-cs5.html
Useful topic links: Highlights of 2012: Highlights of 2012: top-10-searches-iphone html top-10-searches-iphone html top-10-searches-iphone html top-10-searches-iphone html
Assessment You will be graded on this. When you are finished please upload to your weebly website You will be graded on this. When you are finished please upload to your weebly website