N EW Y EAR Свиридова Татьяна, 7А
H APPY N EW Y EAR ! Let’s Talk! Some facts about holiday Answer the questions New Year’s traditions
L ET ’ S TALK … Do you like New Year’s Day? Why? What presents do you like to get and to give?
N EW Y EAR I n general, the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree is very old, more than 2000 years. Previously, people thought that all the trees are endowed with good strength, that they are living the good spirits. People tried to appease these spirits, hanging on trees treats and gifts. Evergreen spruce trees of all occupied a special place: it was a sacred center, "world tree", symbolizing life itself and a revival of the darkness and gloom. Previously, instead of toys were hung on trees fruits of different trees, such as apples - a symbol of fertility, nuts - incomprehensibility of the divine Providence, eggs - a symbol of evolving life, harmony and total well-being.
N EW Y EAR ’ S SYMBOLS Остролист (holly) Омела (mistletoe) Плющ (ivy)
Ded Moroz or Santa Claus Christmas Tree Candy Cane C ANDLES