21 st Century Digital Classrooms Welcome to the Future
Students of Yesterday and Today Yesterday Relied on lagging communications Focused on pencil/paper/overhead Waited for feedback on tasks Focused on one thing at a time Were “wowed” by new technology Today Carry cell/smartphone 24/7 Live in a digital age Connect through social media digital sources Primed for instant feedback Focus on multiple tasks at once Expect technology to be used
“Techy” Terms
How can we as teachers use technology to connect with students?
Students of Today Today’s students are in an ever changing technological world. If we as teachers do not adapt… 1.We are left behind 2.We fight a battle with students 3.We do not progress 4.Students are not prepared for the changes they will face throughout their lives 5.Education of both teachers and students suffers
Ways I use technology in the classroom 1.Online Testing…no longer 2.Classroom Website…more info to come 3.Chapter Website…more info to come 4.Group texting of officers 5.Digital secretary’s/treasurer’s book 6.Scrapbook produced digitally 7.Electronic recordbooks/proficiencies/applications 8.Videos to enhance instruction 9.Digital officer books to enhance traditional ones 10.Digital class notes/web clips 11.Plan to use video conferencing on lessons/collaboration 12.Remote access to school computer 13.Facebook and twitter pages for chapter 14.Announcements can be instantly added to web via twitter 15.“Agriculture” Applications…more to come
Online Testing I use to do online testing. It is similar to I am able to upload questions into question banks and into tests. There are some features I like better than MyCaert. ClassMarker allows you to register up to 1000 students. Once a test is made, it can be stored indefinitely. Also, you can set multiple choice, multiple response, essay questions, etc. Very self explanatory. After students take the test, I print an Excel sheet with the scores and enter directly into infinite campus.
Classroom Website I use my classroom website to tell students about me, list homework assignments and announcements, keep a classroom calendar, share files (worksheets and PowerPoint's) with students, share links and photos. I used a free Google template to develop my websites.
Chapter Website I use my chapter website to tell students about announcements, events, proficiencies, degrees, photos, and any chapter documents.
Videos There are a plethora of videos on the web to enhance instruction. Many sites such as KET Encylcomedia (Discovery education), Hulu, YouTube, Google videos are available and appropriate for use in class.KET Encylcomedia HuluYouTube You can keep these videos long term by downloading and converting. I use to download web videos and store on my hard drive.
Other For class notes, I use I can make notes, share digitally, and also I can clip information in the web and share with my students. I plan to use Skype to do video conferencing. Skype has a program for educators where they can post ideas for a conference and others can respond. At Dual Credit training at Murray we discussed using Skype to share lessons on the class Remote Access: I use a program called to gain access to my computers from any computer with an internet connection. DropBox: Online file storage which “syncs” between computers.
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There’s an App for That! Angle Clinometer Level CH Lite Convert Units Skype Dropbox Evernote Twitter (Ag Chats) Facebook Dragon Motion X ArcGIS Google Earth iBooks (Store PDF’s) Smithsonian Channel Educate iTunes U