At each store, Sales Clerks receive the item to be purchased along with cash or a LCC from the customer. Sales clerks prepare LCC charge slips and then all sales - cash and charge - are keyed into the cash register. At the end of the shift, the clerk forwards the LCC slips to the store cashier (ignore the handling of cash). The store cashier batches the LCC slips and sends the batches to the cash receipts section in Boston at 5:00 P.M. each day. As each sale is keyed in by the sales clerks, Lansdowne's central computer system captures the transaction data and stores them on a disk file. Each night, the computer prints a sales report summarizing each store's transaction data. On the following morning, the sales report is sent to the cash receipts section, where the LCC slips for each store are reconciled to the line on the sales report that totals LCC sales for that store. The LCC slips are then sent to data processing, where data preparation clerks enter the charges on a key- to-disk unit (this is not a computer peripheral - just show a keyboard and a disk in data processing in the flowchart). At 9:00 P.M. each evening, the disk transaction file created by data preparation is sent to the computer room, where it is used to update the accounts receivable master file (also on disk). Each month, the computer prepares customer statements that summarize the LCC charges, and sends the statements to the customers
Sales Clerks 1Receive LCC card 2Prepare LCC slips 3Key into cash register (computer) 4Forward to store cashier Cash Register (Computer) 5Capture transaction 6Store on disk file 7Print report summarizing store’s txns 8Send report to C/R section 9Update A/R master file (on disk) 10Prepare Customer Stmts 11Send Stmts to customers Store Cashier 12Batch LCC slips 13Send LCC slips to C/R section Cash Receipts Section 14Reconcile LCC slips to sales report (7 above) 15Send LCC siips to data processing Data Processing 16Enter charges on key-to-disk unit 17 Send disk txn file to computer (room) 1,2,3,5, ,12,13,7,8, ,16,17,9, ,11
Sales Clerk Sales Clerk Store Cashier Store Cashier Computer Data Processing Data Processing Cash Receipts Section Cash Receipts Section Customer Disk File A/R Masterkey to disk file txn data 3 txn data 6 LCC slips 4 batched LCC slips 13 summary report 8 batched LCC slips 15 charge data STMTS 11 Purchase ,2,3,5, ,12,13,7,8, ,16,17,9, ,
Sales Clerk Sales Clerk Store Cashier Store Cashier Computer Data Processing Data Processing Cash Receipts Section Cash Receipts Section Customer Disk File A/R Masterkey to disk file txn data txn data LCC slips batched LCC slips summary report batched LCC slips charge data STMTS Purchase 1,2,3,5, ,12,13,7,8, ,16,17,9, ,11
Customer Key-to-disk file A/R Master Disk file 1.0 Capture sales 1.0 Capture sales 2.0 Reconcile LCCs 2.0 Reconcile LCCs 3.0 Record Sales 3.0 Record Sales 4.0 Customer Stmts 4.0 Customer Stmts Purchase STMTS 1,2,3,5,6 4,12,13,7,8,14 15,16,17,9 10,11 1,2,3,5, ,12,13,7,8, ,16,17,9, ,11
Customer Key-to-disk file A/R Master Disk file 1.0 Capture sales 1.0 Capture sales 2.0 Reconcile LCCs 2.0 Reconcile LCCs 3.0 Record Sales 3.0 Record Sales 4.0 Customer Stmts 4.0 Customer Stmts Purchase STMTS 1,2,3,5, ,12,13,7,8, ,16,17,9, ,11
Sales ClerksComputerCashierCash ReceiptsData Proc. LCCs B Key-in A Capture Store on Disk A Capture Store on Disk Disk file B LCCs batch LCCs batched LCCs C Summary Rept. D C batched LCCs Recon- cile batched LCCs E E batched LCCs Key-in KTD file F F Prepare LCCs Customer Update A/R Master A/R mast Print Summary Report Summary Rept. D Prepare statements STMTs Customer