▶ DOCUMENTING ▶ FamLink ▶ AIRS (Administrative Incident Reporting System) ▶ RESPONSE Critical Incidents
▶ AIRS ▶ Notification System ▶ FamLink Both systems generate alerts notifying regional and HQ staff of high profile incidents
AIRS Who Gets AIRS Alerts Regional Leadership RA, Deputy RA, AAs HQ staff Assistant Secretary Torts DSHS Risk Management DSHS Communications OFCO
AIRS Child Fatalities Near Fatalities Client Related: Client: child in the care or custody of CA. Facility Related Incidents Staff Safety High Profile
AIRS Client Related: Serious Injury: CA/N on open case Sexual Abuse: Open case Suicide Attempt resulting in death or near fatal injury of child client. Placement Exceptions: child client spending the night in hotels, CA offices or adult facilities
AIRS Staff Safety Threats of harm Assaults of staff or contracted providers Theft/Damage of State property Traffic Accidents AIRS is completed if: staff was at fault, or, child client was a passenger, or, accident result in injuries to any person in car driven by staff.
AIRS Facility Related Incidents Involving: Foster homes, facilities, or private agencies licensed by the Division of Licensed Resources (DLR). Licensed childcare facilities licensed by DEL. Other licensed, certified, or state-operated facilities.
Facility Related Allegations of licensed provider misconduct is reported in AIRS. May also generate an intake. These include all other critical incidents also include: Criminal activity that would disqualify a licensed provider from providing care to children (see WAC & ). Allegation of sexual abuse/sexual exploitation. A pattern of high-risk child abuse and/or neglect referrals. An intake is created for all child fatalities in licensed facilities (may screen in or as Rule Infraction).
High Profile Intakes High Profile Incidents Media Legislative Public Interest Media reporting incidents involving licensed care providers.
Child Fatalities Intake may record fatalities in FamLink (as an intake) and or in the Administrative Incident Reporting System (AIRS). All fatalities reported in AIRS. Incident reports AIRS fatality log Supervisors and CPS program managers input AIRS incident reports. Child fatalities, near fatalities and high profile incidents input into AIRS within 1 hour of report to CA. All other incidents documented within 24 hours
Child Fatalities Fatality Log vs. Incident Report General Rule : If fatality is documented in an intake, it should also get an AIRS Incident Report
Child Fatalities Child fatalities should be documented in an intake if: Allegations of CA/N related to the death There is recent CA history or, The fatality occurs in a licensed or operated facility (DLR) Caregivers with prior CA history should be strongly considered for investigation.
Fatality Intakes Law enforcement: Report fatalities to law enforcement. Fatality button in the Allegations Tab Do not screen out fatality intakes because there are no surviving children in the home.
Types of Fatalities Reported To CA Natural/Medical: diseases, illnesses and health related Accidental: No evidence of intent (car accidents, falls, drowning, layovers) Suicidal: intentionally self-inflicted Homicide: intentional harm Homicide by Abuse: Homicide by a parent or caretaker Homicide by Third Party: Homicide by anyone not a parent or caretaker Unknown/Undetermined: insufficient evidence or information
Medical Examiner / Coroner Findings At least 50% of child fatalities related to maltreatment are not coded as a homicide by medical examiners.
Near Fatalities A near-fatality is defined as an act that places the child in serious or critical condition (RCW ). Child near-fatalities must be reported in AIRS if: 1. The near-fatality is a result of alleged child abuse and/or neglect on an open case or on a case with CA history within 12 months. 2. The near-fatality occurred in a CA or DEL licensed facility.
Near Fatalities A new AIRS report is not required when a near fatality is already documented in AIRS and the child later dies. Update the near fatality report
Reviews CA is required to conduct reviews of child fatalities and near fatalities if: The death or near fatal injury is suspicious for CA/N and, the child received services from CA within 12 months of the near fatal injury or death.
Reviews Fatality and Near Fatality review committees include Professionals from the community CA staff OFCO
Reviews Committees often discuss intake screening decisions. Committees make findings and recommendations. Findings The Committee disagreed with the decision to screen out the February 5, 2015 intake and felt that it met screening criteria for neglect and should have been assigned for investigation.
Critical Incident Protocol Protocol in response to critical incidents
Critical Incident Protocol Critical Incidents: Child Fatalities Open case CA activity 12 months prior to death Near Fatalities Open case CA activity 12 months prior to death
Critical Incident Protocol Critical Incidents : ‣ Media coverage ‣ Legislative interest ‣ Public interest ‣ Serious physical abuse on open cases or kids in care ‣ Sexual abuse of kids in care ‣ Criminal activity by licensed providers
Critical Incident Protocol Response: In the first hour: Notify chain of authority including the appointing authority (RA). The RA notifies HQ Document in AIRS
Critical Incident Protocol At the direction of the Assistant Secretary, a staffing may be held, in person or via conference call. Regional staff conduct the staffing.
Lessons Learned Where Are Lessons Learned Critical Incidents Case Reviews Torts Constituent Relations Third Founded Finding Reviews CAPTA Reviews Lessons Learned cases occur in all program areas, including Intake.
The Seven Cs Critical Thinking Curiosity Collaterals Corroboration Collaboration Communication Comprehensive
Shared Decision-Making Consulting and staffing with supervisor, colleagues, collaterals, experts as needed. Using the Chain of Authority. Intake and Safety Program Manager, CPS Program Manager, Practice Consultants Field Operations
AIRS reporting requirements found in Operations Manual Questions about the Critical Incident protocol to: Paul Smith DSHS Communications Mindy Chambers
Crisis Management and Secondary Trauma Peer Support Peer Support Hotline (360)