11/15/11website: PAC RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS: KEY TO EFFECTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY Simbarashe Mashonganyika Programme Coordinator Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust (SAPST)
11/15/11website: PRESENTATION OUTLINE SAPST summary, Parliamentary Reforms in Zimbabwe, Constraints to PAC Effectiveness Responsibilities of CSOs Relationships between PAC and CSOs
11/15/11website: SAPST Summary Independent indigenous parliamentary strengthening trust that commenced operations on 18 October 2008 VISION A leader in strengthening Parliaments to be accessible, independent, representative and effective in executing their constitutional mandate MISSION: Provision of technical support to strengthen parliamentary processes and public participation in the legislative process for good governance and accountability. website:
11/15/11website: SAPST Summary Contd… Programmes: Internally focused programmes (Zimbabwe): Parliamentary strengthening; Facilitation of civic society, and other stakeholders’ engagement of Parliaments; Strengthen media coverage of parliament business; Externally focused (Regional i.e. SADC region) a platform for legislators to share experiences in SADC region and beyond; (SADC Association of Parliamentary Budget Committees )
11/15/11website: Parliamentary Reforms in Zimbabwe PRE-REFORM ERA : No well organised committee system; Limited scope for Parliament’s participation and input into the national budget; Little or no input of civil society in the budget process; website:
11/15/11website: Parliamentary Reforms in Zimbabwe Contd… RE-ENGINEERED ROLE: Reforms started during the 5th Parliament; Assertion of Parliament’s role in the entire budget process, Portfolio Committee System introduced; Participation of NGOs remained subdued. website:
11/15/11website: Stakeholders in the Accountability Framework The Executive (subject); Comptroller & Auditor General (SAI) Parliament (PAC); Watch dog organisations e.g. Anti-corruption Commissions, etc; Civil Society Organisations; Media, etc. website:
11/15/11website: Constraints to PAC Effectiveness Inadequately resourced: (supporting staff and financially); Partisanship structure of the Committee; Deficiency of political will to support implementation of findings; and Lack of appropriate, analytic skills and research capacity; website:
11/15/11website: Constraints to PAC Effectiveness Contd… Weak legal framework; Follow up on government action in response to its recommendations; Limited engagement with the public; and Inadequate follow up on audit recommendations. website:
11/15/11website: Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) a sector of not for profit organisations, that has become increasingly important over the past few decades in terms of its participation in the development, governance and public finance management processes; significantly contributes to the debate service delivery, public accountability and democracy. website:
11/15/11website: Roles of CSOs Sponsoring capacity building programmes for Parliament; Provide evidence during PAC enquiries; Mechanism of disseminating information, findings and recommendations; Play critical investigative and informational roles; Have networks and expertise to detect potential cases of corruption. website:
11/15/11website: Roles of CSOs Contd… Exert pressure on politicians to improve individual conduct and public service delivery; Simplify budget information into user- friendly packages for MPs; A conduit for channeling views of marginalized section of the community website:
11/15/11website: Relationship between PAC and CSOs Independent of the State ; Based on mutual understanding between Parliament and CSOs; Framework of engagement and modalities thereon agreed upon by Parliament and CSOs; Oversight of the government’s / executive’s actions; Watching formulation and implementation of public policy; and Mediation and helping in conflict resolution. website:
11/15/11website: Relationship between PAC and CSOs Contd... Through analysis and dissemination activities, CSOs assist the Parliament to reinforce channels of accountability, possible through active engagement with PAC and pursue the findings of AG; Analysis of CAG reports; Parliament may make key budgetary information open to citizens including findings of AG and PAC website:
11/15/11website: Constraints to Effective Relationships Absence of appropriate policy framework for engagement; Most CSOs do not know how to access Parliament; Few CSOs have parliamentary strengthening programmes; Mistrust between Parliament and CSOs. website:
11/15/11website: Conclusion Develop synergies between CSOs and PAC -; Create a conducive environment for establishment of relationship; and CSOs should capacitate PAC materially and technically.
11/15/11website: THE END THANK YOU website: