How does Africa Compare?
All human DNA traces back to Africa All the “markers” of human civilization were developed out of Africa Metallurgy Agriculture Written Language The first cities What has come out of Africa?
Population of Africa
Population (in Million) Birth Rate Death Rate RNI 2030 Population (in Million) 2050 Population(i n Million) Life Expectancy Percent Urban Africa1, ,6372, United States World7, ,4449, Population Data Compared
What is happening to Africa’s population? How does this compare to the United States? How does this compare to the world? What are positive aspects of Africa’s population data? What are challenges Africa does face, or will face because of population? Discussion Time
Forest degradation Desertification Loss of wildlife habitats Increase in soil degradation Reduction of grain and crop production Prolonged droughts Increase in poverty & famine Africa’s Fragile Ecology (Relationship)
The Nile Basin Initiative
The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is a partnership of all ten countries located in the Nile basin for cooperative development of the Nile's water resources for mutual economic benefit. NBI grew out of tensions concerning the modern implications of the 1959 Water Agreement between Egypt and the Sudan, which did not include any of the other riparian nations located in the Nile area. The broadest collaborative basin- wide initiative, The Shared Vision Program, funds projects relating to the environment, generation and trade of hydro-electric power, irrigation- based agriculture, and water resource planning. The goal of the Program is to foster sustainable development of the shared water resource upon which each nation must build domestic growth and stability. Let's look at one of the projects in more detail, the Socio-economic and Benefits Sharing Project. This project examines the interconnectivity of social, economic, and environmental issues. The overarching question for investigation asks: "If costs are incurred in one country and benefits realized in another to produce an overall net gain, then how can these net benefits be shared?" This is a complicated issue that requires the development of environmental management, expansion of trade and agriculture, exploration of conflict prevention mechanisms, and exploration of sustainable livelihoods for communities that depend directly on the river. The Nile Basin Initiative
Muslims spread to Africa to escape Meccan persecution in AD 615 Late 630s AD – Arab conquest begins Islam spread as Northern Africa was conquered Brought to Africa Islam Religion Arabic Language Cultural Legacies in Africa: Islamic Heritage
Relationship with Africa dating back to 146 BC with Roman occupation in North Africa Later, involved in sub-Saharan Africa due to slave trade Slave trader followed by missionaries and economic traders Much of the continent colonized by Europe which ended only after WWII. Cultural Legacies in Africa: European Heritage
Africa Colonies 1914
Rural areas rely on traditional medicinal practitioners and itinerant drug vendors Diseases in Africa
Traditional Medicine Practitioner
Rural Hospital in Africa
Rural areas rely on traditional medicinal practitioners and itinerant drug vendors Urban areas have modern technologies Diseases in Africa
Urban Hospital in Africa
Rural areas rely on traditional medicinal practitioners and itinerant drug vendors Urban areas have modern technologies HIV/AIDS 83% of the world’s total AIDS deaths 87% of the world’s HIV-infected children Tend to be a problem due to congestion and unsafe/unsanitary conditions Malaria Yellow Fever Diseases in Africa
Development in Africa Economically Low incomes Slow growth Limited Investment High debt burden High rates of poverty Infrastructure Transportation Communication Waterways Digital technologies Urban Societies Housing Employment Education Security Health Care Gender Equality