Communication Methods Photocopiable/digital resources may only be copied by the purchasing institution on a single site and for their own use
Links to Progress Leisure Pre-Release From Progress Leisure pre-release material: Communication methods including VoIP ‘Progress Leisure is considering installing a VoIP telephone system to reduce costs and to enable staff to work from home.’
Communication Methods Overview VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is a where people use an Internet connection to make a telephone call, where the data is sent as packets rather than using the conventional phone network. VoIP Communication There is a range of VoIP hardware and software available to allow users to make telephone calls using Internet Protocol; there are several benefits and limitations of using these techniques. VoIP Business Application The case study stated the need to research ‘communication methods including VoIP’, so it is also necessary to investigate other communication methods to enable staff to work at home. Alternative Communication Methods
Communication Methods – VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is an alternative method to making telephone calls, using the Internet rather than using the public telephone lines in the business. Typically VoIP communications use the following approaches: VoIP telephones – similar to traditional phones, but connect to a computer (see image) Mobile phones – use a VoIP application Computer-based VoIP – connections made between two or more computers
Communication Methods – VoIP Telephone transmission Circuit switching – traditional phone network where a call uses a switched connection for the duration of a call. Packet switching – where data is divided into blocks and routed through a series of paths. A VoIP communication is based on packet switching using TCP/IP protocols.
Communication Methods – VoIP Business Apps PBX (Private Branch Exchange) Businesses use a private telephone network with their company, known as a PBX; this allows the office staff to make external phone calls via shared lines and to communicate internally with each other. VoIP gateway This gateway device is used to transmit and receive voice communication using Internet Protocol, hence the term VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Softphone Softphones are software applications that are used for making VoIP calls from a computer or mobile device (see image).
Communication Methods VoIP gateway features VoIP gateway providers usually offer these additional services: Caller ID – caller number is displayed Call waiting – put a call on hold when you make another call Three-way conference call – can speak to two people in different locations at the same time Last number redial – automatically dial the last incoming call Call forwarding – forward an incoming call to another number Send to voicemail – if busy Play messages – plays an individual ‘out of the office’ message Phone call recording – option to record any call for future playback
Communication Methods – VoIP Advantages Main advantages of using VoIP telephone systems are: Lower call costs – cheaper (or even free) to use compared with the normal telephone network; large savings can be made on international and long-distance phone calls. Phone line installation – no need to install new phone lines for offices and different employees, as staff can use a broadband connection at their computing device in any location. Security – VoIP calls could be the target of an attempt to eavesdrop the call; however, encrypted connections can offer the caller privacy. Mobility – VoIP software can be installed on mobile devices so the team at Progress Leisure are constantly connected to their work phone line even when they are at home.
Communication Methods – VoIP Disadvantages Main disadvantages of using VoIP telephone systems are: Broadband connection dependence – VoIP software can only connect calls when there is a broadband connection available – even true where the workers are using smartphones to call. Latency – quality of VoIP calls can be poor due to time delays. Excessive latency creates a ‘talk-over’ problem, where people talk over each other as they think the other person has stopped speaking. Jitter – quality of VoIP calls can be affected by jitter, where data packets arrive in the wrong order and there is a time delay while they are sorted into the correct order. Data packet loss – occasionally data packets get lost or arrive late, which will result in parts of a conversation getting lost or breaking up the flow of text.
Communication Methods – Alternatives Alternative communication methods that can be used to enable staff to work from home could be: Short Message Service (SMS) Instant Messaging Email Intranet
Communication Methods: Questions Define the term ‘VoIP communication’. (4 marks) Describe how a mobile phone can be used using VoIP communication techniques. (3 marks) Explain the term ‘packet switching’. (4 marks) Describe how a VoIP session is established between two phones. (6 marks) Describe how a new user will install the software and make a call using the Skype-to-Skype method. (5 marks) Define the following: PBX (2 marks) VoIP gateway (2 marks) Softphone (2 marks) Describe how Progress Leisure might use a virtual PBX. (4 marks) Describe the three-way conference call feature provided by many telephone systems. (4 marks) Describe two cost-saving advantages that Progress Leisure would gain by using VoIP communication. (4 marks) Describe the impact of latency on VoIP calls. (2 marks) Describe the term ‘SMS’ and give an example of where Progress Leisure might use this method of communication. (4 marks)