What Evolution is... And is Not. Biology I
Evolution is NOT in opposition to religion Charles Darwin, father of evolution, earned a degree in theology from Christ’s College in Cambridge, England Science does not take a position on intelligent design (creationism) - it is a matter of religious faith and is not testable from a scientific standpoint.
Is NOT just a theory. Scientific theory: a well-supported explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation. A theory and hypothesis are not the same. Theories explain- Answer “How?” Laws describe- Answer “What?” Scientific theories do not eventually become law – the two are different.
Survey Where did you receive most of your knowledge on the topic of evolution? parent/family member church television/movies school trained scientists other
Misconceptions about Evolution Unfortunately, the general population has played ‘telephone’ with some scientific principles, causing them to become distorted or misrepresented.
Misconception Evolution is a theory about the origins of life.
The Facts. Evolution deals with how life changed after its origin. The origin of life is sometimes involved in the discussion, but evolution does not aim to explain the origin of life.
Misconception Individuals can evolve over a single lifespan.
The Facts. It acts on individuals, but consequences occur in populations Individuals do not evolve – populations evolve
Misconception Evolution allows organisms to predict changes and adapt to their own needs.
The Facts Evolution cannot anticipate changes in the environment Evolution is always one generation behind Each generation is the product of the previous generation
Misconception Evolution makes organisms progressively better.
The Facts. Evolution does not result in perfect, but good enough. Evolution is simply beneficial traits surviving and weak traits being removed.
Misconception Evolution means someday we will have a perfect organism.
The Facts. Evolution leads to adaptation, not perfection! There are tradeoffs – cannot have all optimal traits simultaneously Horns for fighting Sperm Production Armor for defense
Misconception Complexity always increases as species evolve
The Facts. Complexity can decrease if it gives an advantage Vestigial traits are no longer functional for original purpose
Misconception Humans were once monkeys.
The Facts. Humans and apes are separate species who share an extinct common ancestor. Related (98% shared DNA), but one did not come from the other Scientists have never suggested that any monkey ever morphed into a human New findings are always leading us closer to finding our common ancestor
Confused? Think of it this way... At this point in history, humans share a great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather with chimpanzees that was neither a chimpanzee nor a human, but an entirely different species (common ancestor).