HUMAN SEXUALITY As Reflected in the Song of Songs in Canonical Context
1. Human Sexuality is Altogether Good and Beautiful 1. Human Sexuality is Altogether Good and Beautiful This estimate seems appropriate regardless of the sort of conclusions one reaches about genre Creation claims which declare human beings--female and male--as very good Genesis 1:27, 31. Ratified by divine affirmation in Incarnation, John 1:1-18; 1 John 1:1-4
2. Sexual love is primarily a physical- psychological - social experience. Song of Songs presents mainly a rhapsody of love-making and sheer delight in and of human sensuality. Focus on sexual union itself contrasts with attempts ancient and modern to “spiritualize” sexual behavior. No ideal characteristics for sexual acceptability (no “ ” or “iron abs” demands): special features of the special “you” are important, e.g., 5:9 ff.
3. Human Sexual Beauty is Displayed in Almost Infinite Variety in Physical Sexual Expression Note especially the attention to body parts and senses in the celebration: taste, mouth, smell, breath, nose, sight, eyes, hands, legs, breasts, teeth, hair, cheeks, feet, feet, thighs, navel, belly, neck. Not an anachronistic estimate of OT concern with nakedness as “prudish.” Not a contemporary physical “thrill” with a lack of intimacy.
4. An Appropriate Topic of Open Discussion Between Lovers, Select Associates and the “Church” Intimate desires, wants, dreams are clearly, creatively and beautifully communicated by both male and female partners.
5. Mechanics and Sheer Physicality Finally Subordinate to Other Issues Song of Songs not a book of “sexual mechanics” (only 1:2; 2:6) or “how to have ‘best sex’” concerns, in spite of celebration of sexual union itself. Concluding focus and likely context here is personal commitment stronger than death and beyond purchase with price, 6:3; 7:10; 8:7, 11.