Greeting Task On your whiteboard, draw illustrations of the words that are used about God that we have discovered over the last two lessons. Bonus Points: What are the positives and negatives of using these words about God? Bonus Points: What are the positives and negatives of using these words about God?
Guess the link Each group is going to be given an image. You need to guess how this image might link to our lesson today. You have to explain your idea in 10 words or less.
Words Only Used About God Learning Objective: We will discover words that are only used about God. I can Explore 6 words that are only used about God. I can Explain why we need words that are only used about God. I can demonstrate the skill of learning independently and managing my time. What do we mean by learning independently? How will we know this criteria has been met? What do we mean by learning independently? How will we know this criteria has been met?
What is the problem? What is the problem with using every day, ordinary words about God? I can Explain why we need words that are only used about God.
Research Runner I can Explore 6 words that are only used about God. I can demonstrate the skill of learning independently and managing my time. When everyone in the group has recorded the answer you can come up and collect another question. You will need proof! The first group to complete all of their questions win gold erefs!!! One person from each group is going to be the runner. The runner comes up to the front and collects a question from your question pack (each group will be given a different colour). Take your question back to your team and use the text book (pages 48-51) to answer your question.
Summarise your Learning You are going to write song lyrics for one of the following tunes: Eastenders Match of the Day The Great Escape Your lyrics need to be based on the words you have learnt about God that you have found out today and what this tells us about God =JYLm5w5o10Q
Words Only Used About God Learning Objective: We will discover words that are only used about God. I can Explore 6 words that are only used about God. I can Explain why we need words that are only used about God. I can demonstrate the skill of learning independently and managing my time. Rate yourself out of 5 for each of the success criteria.