Deandra Downey
Standard # 2: Learning Differences The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. Name of Artifact: Classroom Management Presentation Date: April 15, 2015 Course: EDUC 240-Intro to Physical and Health Ed. for Teachers Brief Description: This is a Classroom Management Plan that I had to do for a PE class. I wrote a response to the authors thoughts on classroom management. I set some rules that I will implement in my classroom one day. I also wrote safety rules, and routines that I think are important to the classroom. This was presented to my education class. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard #2, Learning Differences, I made this Classroom Management Presentation. I believe that all learners can achieve at high levels and persist in helping each learner reach his/her full potential. I will make learners feel valued and help them learn to value each other. I will hold students responsible to high standards which they will assist in making.
Teachers and students are partners in the learning process. Build community. Allow students to assist in the classroom. Find a solution to their problem instead of punishing. Don’t set consequences. Model behaviors. Involve parents/guardians. Consistency from teacher to teacher
Students must work with teachers. Teachers should model positive behavior. Students must complete their daily tasks. Everyone must respect each other.
No horse playing Students must respect each other and each other’s property. Keep your hands to yourself. Ask before moving around.
Opening lesson-fun and interactive. Work in small groups. Pay attention for upcoming projects and next item on list. Sing interactive song to get ready for dismissal.
Bibliography Character Building. Teach Skill. Retrieved from: Music, Movement, Art. Google Images. Retrieved from: Safety Classroom. Materials Technology. Retrieved from: