Sketching and Drawing 8 th Grade Agriculture Sweet Springs R-7
Sketch A rough drawing of an idea, object, or procedure
Drawing A picture or likeness made with a pencil, pen, chalk, crayon or other instrument.
Sketching and Drawing Put ideas on paper Details of Construction Indicates how the finished product should look. Determine the amount of materials needed
Sketching and Drawing Valuable Skill Record ideas for present and future uses Plan a project before investing time and materials in the construction. Some ideas may prove unworkable, allows changes before materials are cut.
Sketching and Drawing Can be simple No specialize tools needed Must include: Lines to represent edges and corners of sections or parts of an object Dimensions must be included to indicate the size of each part of the object
Perspectives Pictorial DrawingThree View Drawing
Sketching and Drawing Tools
Symbols Used in Drawing
Border Line – a heavy, solid line drawn parallel to the edge of the drawing paper.
Object Line – a solid line showing the visible edges and form of the object
Hidden Lines – a series of dashes that indicates the presence of unseen edges
Dimension Lines- a solid line with arrowheads at the ends to indicate the length, width, or height of an object or part.
Extension Lines – a solid line showing the exact area specified by a dimension
Break Line – a solid, zigzag line used to show the illustration stops but the object does not
Center Line – a long-short-long line used to indicate the center of a round object
Elements of a Plan Border – ½” in from the edge of the paper Title Block Name of the person who prepared the drawing Date drawing was completed Name of the Drawing Scale of the Drawing Views
Scale Drawing A method of drawing an object that is larger than a sheet of paper. Ex: 1” = 1’ would allow you to draw and object that is 8 1/2’ by 11 1/2’ to fit on a sheet of paper. Scale would stay the same for all drawing on the same sheet of paper.
Leader Line – a solid line with an arrow used with an explanatory note to point to a specific feature of an object
Perspectives Pictorial DrawingThree View Drawing
Pictorial Drawing Complete a perspective drawing of a 3” cube. Follow the directions on the Activity Sheet
Three View Drawing Complete a Three View Drawing of a sample block. Follow the directions on the Activity Sheet