湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 重点短语 unit1. 湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 P2 1. L6. contribute to 2. L7. be uncertain 3. L8. be responsible 4. L19. be superior.


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Helping buy an electronic dictionary
Helping buy an electronic dictionary
Presentation transcript:

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 重点短语 unit1

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 P2 1. L6. contribute to 2. L7. be uncertain 3. L8. be responsible 4. L19. be superior to 5. L20. stand for 6. L22. have access to 7. L25. come onto the market

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 L25. combine the TV set with the World Wide Web 9. L32. be wound up by hand 10. L40. apply the technology to create the transistor radio 11. L47. be made available 12. L55. take over 13. L57. have sprung up

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 Phrase and Sentences Sentences P3 1.L was the year when …… , which could record …… , on a tape wound around a round object

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 L41-43 In 1979 the walkman, a portable ……, was introduced …… , and become so popular that walkman was added to …… 3. L51. This is like a …… , being very small, as the name.

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 P5. Read the text Take place 2. Personally, I think …… 3. The evolution of audio devices …… 4. Bring great convenience and delight to people’s lives 5. It’s up to you to choose good programmes

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 P6 Section manager 2. be linked to 3. take up to three minutes 4. Vacuum cleaners

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 P13 Task First: you have to express the advice politely like a suggestion, not an order Second: you have to present the information clearly, simply and in the right order

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 Sample writing Dear Uncle, I would advice you to buy Mark 204D for your son. First of all, this electronic dictionary gives Chinese to English translation, which will help him improve his language study.

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 In addition, it includes a spell Check function, pronunciation guide and a list of words with similar and opposite meanings. Lastly, it will be convenient for him to carry because of its small size, and at 650 yuan, the price is reasonable. In conclusion, I think you may find this model more suitable for your son.

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 12 P14-15 L4. Provide us with some worrying findings. Para L5-9 The British Association for …… 3. L9-15 The report is based on the findings of …… 4. L15-20 It was found that …… 5. L24 concentrate on

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 L27 not necessarily 7. L28. without caution 8. L35. be exposed to radiation 9. L41. be equal to 10. L49. previous to this 11. L50. show a definite link between mobile phone use and cancer.

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 L59. be valid 13. L67. the effect on people’s health 14. L78. It is possible to draw a parallel between mobile phones and cigarettes. 15. L85. acknowledge that …… 16. L86. be associated with

湖南长郡卫星远程学校 2009 年下学期 制作 L91 have faith in 18. L97. for the time being Workbook P105. D2 Translation 2. P Reading