Hillary Beltran, Edward Crawford, Nicole Harris, Edward Lowe, Emily Proano, and Kevin Wong 05 October 2010
Mission objective: Take measurements of the concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane gases Expectations: Stagnant to slightly increased levels of each gas Hypothesis: Concentrations have increased during the course of the year ◦ Not enough time to see effects of transition ◦ Effects of Fourmile Canyon, Loveland, and Grand County fires 2
Purpose of Mission: The team’s interest in the quality of air and changes that were recently experienced over the past few years ◦ World’s recent transition to more environmentally sustainable resources and fuels ◦ Recent forest fires in Colorado ◦ Document any measured changes ◦ Data retrieved from this flight will provide standard 3
LevelNumberRequirements 0 1 Payload must ascend to an altitude of approximately thirty kilometers with a balloon provided by the Edge of Space Sciences 2 Payload must collect and store science data related to the mission objective 3 The internal temperature of the payload must remain above -10°C 4 The total mass of the payload must not exceed 850 grams 5 The payload must allow for a HOBO H and the provided external temperature cable 6 The payload must allow for a Canon A570IS Digital Camera with two AA lithium batteries 7 The payload must carry an active heater system 8 The payload must be constructed from foam core 9 The payload must have contact information written on the external of the payload, alongside an United States flag 10 The team will be ready to launch on November 6, 2010, at Windsor, Colorado, at 6:50 AM. 11 The team shall adhere to all safety procedures outlined in the proposal 4
5 LevelNumberRequirements 1 1Payload must remain attached to the flight string during the mission 2 The payload will carry carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane gas sensors to record the concentrations of each gas at different altitudes 3 The entire payload, including all electrical components and structural materials, shall weigh 760 grams 4 The HOBO H shall measure and record measurements of internal and external temperature and relative humidity with the provided external temperature cable during the mission. 5 The Canon A570IS Digital Camera will take and store images during the flight. 6 Program the Arduino microcontroller with the integrated development environment using the Java programming language 7a Interface the carbon monoxide gas sensor to the Arduino microcontroller 7b Interface the carbon dioxide gas sensor to the Arduino microcontroller 7cInterface the methane gas sensor to the Arduino microcontroller 7d Test the functionality of the gas sensors individually and then test the functionality of the sensors integrated together on the Arduino microcontroller by placing the sensors behind the exhaust pipe of a running automobile that belongs to a member of the team. 8 Provide the necessary power to each electrical component and ensure that the recorded data is being properly stored 9 Create a structure that can withstand the forces and extreme temperatures experienced during flight
Basic Circuit Structure & Implementation of Sensors ◦ CH 4, CO, CO 2 ◦ Calibration Writing Arduino Based IDE Software (Java) Testing of hardware and software (together) Analyzing Data ◦ Functions (ppm vs. altitude) ◦ Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Equipment overview : ◦ Provided: Foam core, digital camera, HOBO and external temperature probe, resistors, non-metal flight tube ◦ Purchased: Arduino microcontroller, carbon monoxide sensors, carbon dioxide sensors, methane sensors, microSD card, breakout board, prototype board Additional hardware will require approximately three days to arrive ◦ Not purchased: Dry ice, additional batteries, desiccants These can be purchased at a local store and can be purchased within a day 7
Materials & DeviceBudgeted CostSourceBudgeted Weight Structure Foam CoreProvidedGateway20g InsulationProvidedGateway10g Desiccants$10SilicaGelPackets.com12g Hardware Canon CameraProvidedGateway220g HOBOProvidedGateway30g Heater SystemProvidedGateway100g Arduino (2)$59.90SparkFun20g ProtoBoard (2)$9.00SparkFun15g Methane Gas Sensor (2)$9.90Sparkfun30g CO 2 Gas Sensor (2)$33.98Parallax30g CO Gas Sensor (2)$9.90SparkFun30g WiringProvidedGateway20g SwitchesProvidedGateway10g 1GB MicroSD$10Sparkfun3g Batteries$50Safeway210g TOTAL$192.58N/A760g 11
12 DateSchedule September 10, 2010Team meeting (5:00pm – 8:00pm) September 12, 2010Team meeting (3:00pm – 5:00pm) September 14, 2010Complete Request for Proposal (RFP) September 15, 2010Complete Conceptual Design Review (CoDR) September 16, 2010Turn in RFP and give presentation on CoDR September 19, 2010Team meeting (4:00pm – 5:00pm) September 21, 2010Turn in order form for electrical components and spare parts September 21, 2010Receive electrical components October 4, 2010 Begin programming the Arduino on the integrated development environment (IDE); code, interface with the Arduino, and test CO sensor; begin communications tests; begin power tests October 5, 2010 Design Document Revisions A/B and Critical Design Review due at 7:00am Pre-Critical Design Review presentation (CDR) October 6, 2010Drop, roll, and whip test October 8, 2010Code, interface with the Arduino, and test the carbon monoxide sensor October 10, 2010Cooler test October 11, 2010Code, interface with the Arduino, and test the carbon dioxide sensor October 18, 2010Code, interface with the Arduino, and test the methane sensor October 22, 2010 Integrate electrical components and structures and perform all of subsystem tests to assess the functionality of the system as a whole October 25, 2010Final testing completed; final satellite completed October 26, 2010Pre-launch inspection October 28, 2010In-class mission simulation test November 2, 2010Design Document Revision C and Launch Readiness Review (LRR) due November 5, 2010Final satellite weight-in and turn-in November 6, 2010Launch day (5:00am – 4:00pm) November 30 – December 2, 2010Final team presentations and reports December 4, 2010Integrated Technology and Learning Laboratory (ITLL) Design Exposition
Must be able to measure concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane gases ◦ Retrieve and store data on external memory source Take and store images 13
Using three individual sensors that independently measure the three prescribed gases ◦ Store retrieved data on microSD card ◦ Embedded by insulation and heated by heater system, since directly exposed to atmosphere Images will be taken by the provided digital camera Images will be stored on the camera’s microSD card HOBO ◦ Store data recorded by external temperature cable 14
Two major aspects to testing: ◦ Structural tests ◦ Hardware tests Individual subsystem tests Integration of entire system ◦ Repeat tests performed for subsystem tests to ensure full system functionality and integration 15
First test will be performed on Wednesday, October 6 ◦ Drop, roll, and kick test for preliminary model of stucture Future tests and testing schedule will be discussed later 16
Structures Subsystem: ◦ Drop, roll, and kick tests ◦ Cooler test Software Subsystem: ◦ Test individual sensors ◦ Interface sensors together and test using the method ◦ Test functionality with mission simulation test Communications and Power Subsystems: ◦ Interface power sources with HOBO, AVR, and heater ◦ Test to see data retrieved is properly stored on microSD card Entire system: ◦ Repeat tests mentioned above 17
In reference with the schedule shown earlier: ◦ October 4: Begin programming the microcontroller on the integrated development environment (IDE); code, interface, and test CO sensor; begin communications tests; begin power tests ◦ October 6: Drop, roll, and kick tests ◦ October 10: Cooler test ◦ October 11: Code, interface, and test CO 2 sensor; continue communications tests ◦ October 18: Code, interface, and test CH 4 sensor; continue communications tests ◦ October 22: Integration of entire system and repeat tests ◦ October 25: Final testing completed; final satellite constructed 18
Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane gas levels are within the normal range (good air quality and healthy) Rise in levels of gases since Fourmile Canyon, Loveland, and Grand County fires During mission flight, cut off of data after about sixteen kilometers 19
20 Edward Lowe, Junior Electrical System Engineer University of Colorado at Boulder 9202 Hallett Hall, Boulder, Colorado, Edward Crawford Software Engineer University of Colorado at Boulder 9071 Libby Hall, Boulder, Colorado, Emily Proano Structural System Engineer University of Colorado at Boulder 9119 Andrews Hall, Boulder, Colorado, Kevin Wong Project Manager University of Colorado at Boulder 9041 Aden Hall, Boulder, Colorado, Hillary Beltran Structural System Engineer University of Colorado at Boulder 9071 Andrews Hall, Boulder, Colorado, Nicole Harris Electrical System Engineer University of Colorado at Boulder 9019 Cockerell Hall, Boulder, Colorado,
Integration of the electrical components with power subsystem Storage of data Heating our electrical components Stable readings from the sensors 21