Wrapping up PICODIV Final report structure Deliverables Databases Papers Summary of deadlines
Final report Months management report Year 3 scientific report Years 1 to 3 overview TIP form
Final report (formatting) Use Word correction mode Apply Word styles as follows without changing format –Titres 1 to 6 for the different levels of titles. –Normal Justified for all regular paragraphs –Légende for all tables and figures legends All images should be cut and pasted using Paste special/Paste as image. No embedded files please. If it is absolutely necessary send me the original image file (Excel, jpeg, Illustrator, PowerPoint) All images in the text, not floating. Give arbitrary numbers with your initials to your figures eg Fig DS-1 or Fig CPA-5 and I will use Word automatic Figure numbering mode latter. Please send me all references you cite as an EndNote library not as plain text I will send back anything that does not conform to these instructions.
Final report (management, year 3) should be different from year 2
Final report (Part 6 Synthetic) should be synthetic Introduction Methods Old New developed during PICODIV Phylogenetic groups Diversity from cultures Diversity from clone libraries Sampling sites and cruises
Final report (Part 6 Synthetic) should be synthetic
Final report (Part 6 Synthetic) should be synthetic
Databases Taxonomy Cultures SSU rRNA sequences (full sequences to be sent) –Agnès (alveolates) –Ramon (stramenopiles) –Klaus (red group) –Nick (16S plastid) Probes Environmental data (to be sent)
Time series data Send data as Excel files one line per record
Papers Only those for which I have a draft will be listed in the final report.
April 18: All remaining full sequences to Daniel April 18: Individual reports to Daniel April 30: All time series data to Daniel May 12: Draft final reports from Daniel May 16: Correction to final report to Daniel May 23: Final report goes to Brussels Do not forget financial reports Deadlines