Child Studies Nutrition
“Breast is Best” review What do we remember? Important: – Can only process formula/breast milk up to 6 months – Full of antibodies – Creates bond between mom and baby
Other things about Breast Feeding feed baby whenever she/he feels hungry (how often?) Usually every 2-3 hours (why?) Colostrum: mothers first milk – Lasts 1-3 days – Has more antibodies HOW TO START!
Breast Care Use only water to clean nipples Keep nipples dry between feedings (expose to air if possible) To stop leakage: cross arms and hold tight against chest Change breast pads when they are wet To protect nipples: rub breast milk on them
Introducing Solid Foods Begin at 6 months Baby does not need teeth (but you need to consider how babies teeth grow)
Baby is ready for Solid Foods if: Holds head up Sits in a high chair Opens mouth wide if offered a spoon Turns face away if doesn’t want food Closes lips over spoon Does not push food back out (what do you do if the baby does this?)
Other stuff to note Start new foods only when baby if happy or hungry Continue to breastfeed when introducing solid foods Changes in texture will teach baby to chew: Pureed foods- lumpy foods- finely chopped foods
Tips 1- kids need a routine meal time 2- they will eat what grown-ups eat (or not) 3- the older the child is introduced to junk food the better 4- likes and dislikes often associated with experience (texture, flavour, unfamiliarity)
Tips (continued) 5-spicy foods can be hard to digest 6- cut up tough meats finely 7- Desserts is a learned behaviour (so teach them what they want to learn) 8- Eating with the family will teach manners and will help establish routine