Muffins … Are a quick bread, therefore they cook quickly Have their very own mixing method Generally bake at oven temperatures of degrees Can be made in thousands of different flavors! What’s your favorite kind of muffin?
Purpose of Ingredients in Muffins Flour and eggs Structure Baking powder Rising/leavening Salt Flavor Milk Moisture Oil and Sugar Tenderness
Muffins… When making muffins, use a fork to beat the egg For light, tender muffins, only stir muffin batter until dry ingredients are moist. Do not overmix!! Too much stirring will cause tough muffins. Fill muffin cups 2/3 full with batter. Regular sized muffins are generally baked minutes.
Which characteristics would you like your muffins to have? Slightly Moist Yes Smooth Crust No Rounded Top Yes Crumbly No
What characteristics would you like your muffins to have? Peaked Top No Light and Tender Yes Tunnels No Pebbled Top Yes
3 different ways to make muffins are… 1. From scratch 2. From a store-bought mix 3. From Bisquick (a mix that can make other things besides muffins)
The Muffin Method… 1. Mix dry ingredients 2. Mix wet ingredients seperately 3. Pour all liquid ingredients on top of dry ingredients 4. Mix wet and dry just barely (only until dry ingredients are moistened) 5. Spoon the lumpy mixture into paper cups-2/3 full