Hypothetical Day I
Hypothetical I Issues Spotting A student presents documentation from qualified professional for anxiety disorder which states that when anxiety onsets, the student is “unable to function.” The student indicates this inability to function lasts for 6 weeks per episode. Student requests: – 16 weeks to complete a 4 week intensive course – All incomplete requests automatically approved
Hypothetical II Issues Spotting (1) Student has documentation from a qualified psychologist concluding that the student has auditory processing disorder and an anxiety disorder. Student rejects: – Note takers – Smart Pens – Reduced Course Load – FM System
Hypothetical II Issues Spotting (2) Student Requests: – Captioning – Copies of transcripts in specific font, point, margins, spaces, so that she may edit them as notes and study tools
Hypothetical III Issues Spotting (1) Student provides documentation for autism spectrum disorder. Student’s interactive intake process reveals that when student is stressed, he requires quiet environment with minimal interactions in order to self-regulate.
Hypothetical III Issuing spotting (2) Student requests: – Private residence hall room (at double rate) – Mother in exam/test room to regulate emotions – School Health Center to administer all medications, as prescribed for him, by prescribing physician (student will provide all medications and medications directions)