Sem 322, Spring 2012 Instructor: Dr Nailah Ayub Chapter 6 Work Related Attitudes: Prejudice, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment Sem 322, Spring 2012 Instructor: Dr Nailah Ayub
Attitude Attitude: Definite feelings about people and things - Relatively stable clusters of feelings, beliefs, and behavioral predispositions (i.e., intentions towards some specific objective) Attitude Components
Prejudice: A work-related attitude Definition: Negative attitudes/feelings toward people belonging to certain groups Organizational Demography: The nature of the composition of a workforce with respect to various characteristics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity) People tend to be uncomfortable with different others Three Key Trends in demographic compositions 1) unequal shifts in birth rate 2) Growing numbers of foreign nationals entering the workforce 3) Gender parity in the workforce
Anatomy of Prejudice Stereotypes: Mental shortcuts Beliefs that individuals possess certain characteristics because of their membership in certain groups E.g., predisposed against hiring a stereotyped person Discrimination: the behavior consistent with a prejudicial attitude- the act of treating someone negatively because of one’s membership in specific group
Prejudice vs. Discrimination Prejudice: An attitude Discrimination: behavior based on prejudicial attitude
Bases for Prejudice Age: Age Discrimination in Employment Act Based on stereotypes Physical Condition: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Gender: sex role stereotypes- against women Females are not aggressive or determined enough Sexual Orientation: time and stress to conceal identity Fringe benefits to partners Race and National Origin: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Lost talent and productivity Religion: Religious intolerance- Actions against a person/group who follows a different faith
Diversity Management: Strategies for overcoming Workplace Prejudice Are diversity matters on Corporate Agendas? NOT for many companies but situation is improving Why to engage in Diversity Management efforts? Not only government pressures BUT two major reasons: Aware of importance of diversity management programs Attract and retain skilled workforce How are companies fostering Diversity: Practices include: Promoting policies that discourage sexual harassment Providing physical access for employees with disabilities Allowing day offs for religious holidays that are not officially recognized Offering parental leaves
Promoting Diversity: Affirmative Action Legislation designed to give employment opportunities to groups that have been underrepresented
Promoting Diversity: Diversity Management Programs Programs in which employees are taught to celebrate the differences between people and create supportive work environments Not tolerated But valued
Diversity Management Programs Awareness-based Diversity Training Very basic orientation: designed to make people more aware of diversity issues in workplace Sensitive to own cultural assumptions and biases Skills-based Diversity Training Designed to develop diversity management skills Four main tools involved: Cross-cultural understanding Intercultural communication Facilitation skills Flexibility and adaptability
Diversity Success Guidelines Actively Pursue the Best People Make Sure People Are Accepted and Fit in emphasize cooperation and teamwork Educate Everyone Focus on Difference Ranges Between People Avoid Treating Someone From a Certain Group as Special Provide Total Managerial Support: sustained attention Assess: whom are you hiring and how they are doing Pay Attention to Details: take care of all aspects Plan for the Future
Job Satisfaction: Theories 1) Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
2) Judge’s Dispositional Model Job Satisfaction 2) Judge’s Dispositional Model Genetic factors
Job Satisfaction 3) Value Theory Any factor can be a source of job satisfaction so long as it is something that people value. Job satisfaction depends on the match between the outcomes individuals value and their perceptions about the availability of such outcomes Discrepancies between what people have and what they want
4) Social Information Processing Job Satisfaction 4) Social Information Processing Adopt Others’ Attitudes and Behaviors Based on Others’ Cues
Measuring Job Satisfaction Questionnaires and Rating Scales Job Descriptive Index (JDI) Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) Critical Incidents Technique Describe incidents Interviews Face-to-face sessions to explore attitudes deeply
Job Dissatisfaction Consequences Employee Withdrawal Voluntary Withdrawal Absenteeism
Unfolding Model of Voluntary Turnover Two key factors to unfold: Shock to the system AND Decision frames
Job Dissatisfaction Consequences Poor Performers: Weak, Positive Relationship with Task Performance Reduced Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Voluntary acts of cooperation beyond formal job reqs Increased Occupational Injuries: High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) Offer opportunities to participate in decision-making, provide incentives for doing so, emphasize opportunities to develop skills Influences Life Outside Work: High JS was related to moods away from work
Promoting Job Satisfaction Pay People Fairly: salary as well as fringe benefits Improve the Quality of Supervision: competent supervisors; Open lines of communication Match People to Jobs That Fit Their Interests: identify non-vocational interests; Offer career counseling and/or individualized counseling Decentralize Organizational Power: Greater opportunities to control aspects of the workplace that affect the employees
Organizational Commitment
Committed Workforce Consequences Unlikely to Withdraw Stay on job and show up when expected to Willing to Make Sacrifices for Their Organizations Acts of good Organizational Citizenship
Developing Organizational Commitment Enrich Jobs Provide wide variety of tasks with considerable autonomy in doing them Align Company and Employees Interests Profit-sharing plans: bonuses in proportions to profitability Recruit and Select New Employees Whose Values Closely Match Organization Values Investing in someone will return by way of expressed commitment