N. BlaskovicFONT Meeting1 ATF November 2013 shift plan N. Blaskovic
Introduction Independent projects: –Instrumenting the new IPBPMs –Instrumenting MFB1FF –Fitting P1-3 with three stripline phase shifters Each project requires only 1 FONT5 board FONT Meeting2N. Blaskovic
Instrumenting the new IPBPMs Hardware required: –3 IP BPMs on movers & reference cavity –Variable attenuator (4 channels) –Two-stage homodyne ‘Honda’ electronics –FONT5 board Initial setup: –Honda’s first stage inside tunnel –Honda’s second stage in S-band hut FONT Meeting3N. Blaskovic
Instrumenting the new IPBPMs Program: –Look at Honda 1 st stage IF output (~714 MHz) on scope; FFT should show dominant peak –Down-mix IP signal to ~baseband; digitise on FONT5 board –Use BPM movers and/or QD0FF mover to perform a y scan; check linearity; calibrate –Place beam waist after IPC; perform 3 BPM resolution calculation FONT Meeting4N. Blaskovic
Instrumenting MFB1FF Hardware required: –MFB1FF –LO cable from P2 region to MFB1FF –LO gun diode amplifier with power supply –Δ, Σ I, Σ Q cables from MFB1FF to P2 region Other hardware required: –P2 and P3 instrumented with phase shifters –K1 and K2 instrumented FONT Meeting5N. Blaskovic
Instrumenting MFB1FF Timing constraints: –In FBFW_v6 firmware, Δ, Σ I, Σ Q signals of both bunches of P2, P3 and MFB1FF must all fit in a sampling window 164 samples wide –In December 2011, this was achieved: FONT Meeting6N. Blaskovic P2P3MFB1FF P2P3MFB1FF time (samples) bunch 1: bunch 2:
Instrumenting MFB1FF Program: –On shift, connect FONT5 board inside tunnel –Stripline BPM setup including LO phase scan –Operate initially in 1 bunch mode; save Epics –Perform K1 or K2 kicker scan (1 bunch mode) –Perform ZV8X corrector scan (1 bunch mode) –Run P2-P3 feedback with nominal gains FONT Meeting7N. Blaskovic
Three stripline phase shifters Hardware required: –3 stripline ‘remote control’ phase shifters –P1, P2, P3 instrumented with processors Program: –Connect FONT5 board and P1 on shift –Perform stripline phase shifter scans –Take jitter run for resolution calculation FONT Meeting8N. Blaskovic
Hardware to be taken to ATF Neven: –FONT5 board #1 (all 9 ADCs operational) with power supply Mikey: –Stripline ‘remote control’ phase shifters FONT Meeting9N. Blaskovic