IPF Steering Committee - 16 June EU Enlargement and Environment Update on financing environment and cooperation with IFIs PEIP Meeting, 19 June 2008 Joanna Fiedler, DG Environment Domenica Bumma, DG Enlargement
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Outline of the presentation EU financial instruments Donors coordination on environment New aspects: Union for Mediterranean Infrastructure Projects Facility (IPF) Municipal Window of PPF
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June EC assistance Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA): –Component I Technical assistance available for the preparation of Approximation and Investment strategies for ENV Capacity building of the relevant institutions Infrastructure investments in potential CCs –Component II Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) –Component III „Regional development“ (available only to CCs) Investments in the field of transport, ENVIRONMENT (OP ENV) and regional competitiveness Technical assistance for projects‘ preparation
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Donors’ coordination IFIs AG WG on ENV EBRD environmental and social policy revision EIB – environmental statement under revision DABLAS Task Force EPPF/ IPF
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IFIs Advisory Group IFIs Advisory Group established in March 2007 (replacement of Infrastructure Steering Group) It has advisory function on the coordination of investment projects in the region The scope of work extended beyond regional transport, energy and environment projects to cover sectors such as health, education, social issues, municipalities as well as Public Private Partnership It covers all candidate and potential candidate countries Working Group on environment – work plan Climate change focus (adaptation) – need for climate change adaptation strategies -Waste management – challenges to financing waste management investments -Next meeting October 2008
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Achievements Pipeline of prioritised water and wastewater investment projects Pipeline (30 projects) endorsed in 2003, based on projects selected by ICPDR and BSC that comply with environmental and financial criteria Out of the 30 initial Priority Investment Projects –16 water supply and sanitation projects have secured financing and have been taken out of the pipeline –most other projects have moved forward thanks to the Project Preparation Facilities –new relevant projects were added –the least feasible projects were taken out
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Achievements Examples of specific activities Groundbreaking work on the grouping of municipalities for a regional approach to water sanitation (Constanta, Romania) Securing funds from EC IPA for feasibility work for investments in the water sector (Turkey) Securing grant co-financing for investments (Mykolaiv, Ukraine) Developing guidance document on “Good Practice in Project Preparation” in all DABLAS languages Identifying the links between the DABLAS process and the Water Framework Directive
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Achievements Summary key results supplement to national processes – allows to see the bigger picture improved preparation of key water and wastewater investment projects developed a framework for investors/donors to use when making financial decisions methodological guidance on issues of relevance for project preparation Possibility to replicate the approach?
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Latest Developments Contract recently awarded under PHARE multi-country: provide DABLAS Secretariat Services for the full DABLAS region provide direct investment support for river basin management-related projects in Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Turkey In these 4 countries, provide methodological guidance on cost-benefit analysis, cost of construction and regionalisation of investments Further support for the Task Force is planned through IPA and ENPI, but additional support will be necessary!
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June New aspects – Union for Mediterranean COM (2008) 319 – Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean; To enhance multilateral relations, increase co-ownership of the process and make it more visible to citizens. To “inject” further momentum into the Barcelona process; Multilateral partnership – regional and trans-national projects; All EU Member States, members and observers of the Barcelona Process and Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro. Project dimension – additional funding is expected: private sector, bilateral cooperation, partners, IFIs, regional banks, bilateral funds)
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Infrastructure Project Facility TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (1/4) Overall objective Contribute to the socio-economic development of the Western Balkans through improved infrastructures in transport, environment, and energy and in the social field Project purpose Support preparation and implementation of investment projects financed by grants and/or loans by the beneficiaries, IFIs, IPA and/or other sponsors/donors.
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (2/4) Expected results Improved number, speed and quality of investment proposals for infrastructure investments Enhanced financial cooperation between the Commission, IFIs and beneficiaries Improved technical skills of local human resources within beneficiary institutions
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (3/4) Activities Develop pipeline of infrastructure investments projects Technical support for preparation & implementation of projects Ad hoc assessment of individual investment projects Upstream & downstream cooperation with IFIs Update of capacity needs assessment of stakeholders Training and capacity building of beneficiaries
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June FIRST RESULTS OF THE IPF (4/4) €16 million already allocated 58 proposals received from 6 countries 18 projects prioritised, 5 in environment 30 projects on reserve list 10 projects rejected > € 10 million of estimated TA support > € 800 million of estimated follow up investments
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Sector: Environment - Water Protection Lead IFI: none at this stage Co-financing Investors: IPA, State Budget Requested Service: Feasibility Study Indicative IPF TA: EUR 500,000 Estimated Total Investment: EUR 19,561,000 “Feasibility Study for Collection, Transport and Treatment of Waste Waters in the Municipality of Vranje and Uzice”TA-SER-17
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Sector: Environment - Waste Water Lead IFI: EIB, EBRD Co-financing Investors: WB, IPA, Dexia CCB Requested Service: Feasibility Study Indicative IPF TA: to be defined Estimated Total Investment: EUR 35,000,000 “Podgorica Waste Water Project” TA-MON-07
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Sector: Environment - Water Lead IFI: EBRD Co-financing Investors: EIB, WB Requested Service: Feasibility Study Indicative IPF TA: EUR 300,000 Estimated Total Investment: EUR 10,000,000 “Podgorica Water Infrastructure Project” TA-MON-05
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Sector: Environment - Water Supply Lead IFI: none at this stage Co-financing Investors: KfW, EAR, Government of Norway and Government of Switzerland Requested Service: Technical and Management Assistance, Feasibility Study Indicative IPF TA: EUR 300,000 Estimated Total Investment: EUR 10,000,000 “Regional Water Company Prishtina” TA-KOS-01
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June Sector: Environment - Water Supply Lead IFI: EBRD Co-financing Investors: CEB Requested Service: Feasibility Study Indicative IPF TA: EUR 600,000 Estimated Total Investment: EUR 28,000,000 “Plava Voda Regional Water Supply Project”TA-BIH-03
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF MUNICIPALITY WINDOW (1/3) Overall objective Supporting the financing of infrastructure investments to create the conditions for sustainable development in the IPA countries in the prospect of EU accession Project purpose Co-operation with IFIs to support the financing of infrastructure investments of municipalities primarily in the field of water, sanitation and waste management through a grant co- financing mechanism (EU grants + IFI loan)
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF MUNICIPALIT WINDOW (2/3) Expected results Social result: improvement of living conditions of the population Economic result: adequate tariff policy of public utilities to ensure viability and sustainability of municipal investments Environmental result: progress achieved towards the implementation of the “acquis communautaire” with respect to the water and waste Directives Financial sector result: involving local banks in municipal lending (indirect lending)
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF MUNICIPALITY WINDOW (3/3) Activities Identification of municipal investment projects (direct lending to municipalities or lending through financial intermediaries) Assessment by the IPF Secretariat and approval by the IPF Steering Committee Implementation of projects by the IFIs (signature of municipal project agreement, release of EU grants, completion check of investment) Capacity building of municipalities for investment planning and management
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF (TA & Municipality window) MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Possible TA
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF TA PROJECT CYCLE Order of service for TA monitored by Project Task Force prioritisation of projects IPF Secretariat proposal of projects IPF Steering Committee NIPAC Offices recommendation of pipeline TA projects presented by beneficiaries and sponsors (IFIs, others) Order of service for TA monitored by Project Task Force Order of service for TA monitored by Project Task Force DG ELARG (Task Manager)
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June IPF MUNICIPALITY WINDOW PROJECT CYCLE prioritisation IPF Secretariat recommendation of pipeline IPF Steering Committee NIPAC Offices Direct contribution Agreement with IFI for project co-financing Implementation of municipal investments Investment projects presented by beneficiaries and IFIs Direct contribution Agreement with IFI for project co-financing Direct contribution agreement with IFI for project co-financing Contracting Authority (ELARG) proposal of projects
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June RESOURCES UNDER IPA 2008 ProjectAmount (million €) IPF TA - Support to Infrastructure Investments 16.2 IPF Municipal Facility Window24.0 Total30.2
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June NEXT STEPS End-June 2008: kick off of TA Contract = mobilisation of experts for pipeline projects between July and September 2008 September 2008: IPA Management Committee to approve IPA 2008 proposed programmes (IPF TA, IPF MW) October 2008: second meeting of the IPF Steering Committee; first screening of projects eligible for IPF MW
IPF Steering Committee - 16 June THANK YOU Joanna Fiedler Policy Officer for Serbia and Syria, relations with IFIs, coordinator of ISPA/PHARE/CARDS/ IPA and twinning Unit for Enlargement and Neighbouring Countries European Commission – DG Environment Tel: