MAN UP BIBLE SERIES Living a Life that Counts Lesson 10
The Real World It is easy to talk about sharing our faith but how do we really do it? In this lesson we will focus on how to share your testimony. First you do not have to have a degree in theology in order to share your faith. How you met God is your story told in your own words. We will go step by step and teach you how to share an effective testimony and then it will be up to you to try it out. Fear is the ultimate reason we do not share our faith. We are all afraid of rejection. But the ultimate reason we share our faith is to have people experience the Peace of Christ that passes all understanding. They will not know if you do not tell them.
The Real Word 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
Real Talk Why are we afraid to share our faith? What does it mean to share our testimony? What can you do if someone asks a question about God you cannot answer?
Real Steps Your personal testimony can be broken down into three parts. Take some time and write these out below: Part One – My life before I met Christ – Part Two – How I met Christ – Part Three – What my life has been like since meeting Christ -
Time to Close As we close this lesson I want us to be thinking about ways to Build Bridges with those around us. Here are some ways: Maintain your testimony - Positive attitude, Pursue purity, Watch your language, Have a good work ethic, Be faithful in Church Attendance, Keep a strong Marriage and family. Pray for Unbelievers – Specific prayers, for open doors, wisdom to communicate Observe others hobbies and interests – Build a bridge of friendship. Relate the Bible to current issues – The bible is for today. Seven basic Objections to the Gospel: 1. What about the heathens who never heard the Gospel? (Rom.1:18-20) 2. Is Christ the only way to God? (John 14:6) 3. Why do the innocent suffer? (Rom.5:12) 4. How can Miracles be possible? (John 1:1,14) 5. Isn’t the Bible full of errors? (2 Tim. 3:16) 6. Isn’t the Christian Experience psychological? ( Rom. 5: 8 – 10) 7. Won’t a good moral life get me to heaven? (Gal. 2:16) Now I challenge you to think of three people who need to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. Pray for them daily and ask God to use you to tell them. Time to MAN UP!