Chapter 11 – The Muscular System: Appendicular Musculature $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle & Arm Muscles that Move the Forearm, Hand, & Fingers Intrinsic Hand Muscles / Muscles that Move the Thigh Muscles that Move the Leg, Foot, & Toes Intrinsic Foot Muscles & Limb Compartments FINAL ROUND
Topic 1: $100 Question Which of the following muscles does not insert at the greater tubercle of the humerus? a. subscapularis b. supraspinatus c. infraspinatus d. teres minor BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 1: $100 Answer Which of the following muscles does not insert at the greater tubercle of the humerus? a. subscapularis b. supraspinatus c. infraspinatus d. teres minor BACK TO GAME
Topic 1: $200 Question Which of the following muscles rotates the scapula so that the glenoid cavity moves inferiorly (downward rotation) and elevates the ribs if the scapula is stationary? a. serratus anterior b. rhomboid major c. rhomboid minor d. pectoralis minor BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 1: $200 Answer Which of the following muscles rotates the scapula so that the glenoid cavity moves inferiorly (downward rotation) and elevates the ribs if the scapula is stationary? a. serratus anterior b. rhomboid major c. rhomboid minor d. pectoralis minor BACK TO GAME
Topic 1: $300 Question Which of the following is/are not an action(s) of the teres minor muscle? a. lateral rotation of shoulder b. medial rotation of shoulder c. adduction at shoulder d. b and c BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 1: $300 Answer Which of the following is/are not an action(s) of the teres minor muscle? a. lateral rotation of shoulder b. medial rotation of shoulder c. adduction at shoulder d. b and c BACK TO GAME
Topic 1: $400 Question The axillary nerve innervates which of the following muscles? a. deltoid b. teres major c. supraspinatus d. infraspinatus BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 1: $400 Answer The axillary nerve innervates which of the following muscles? a. deltoid b. teres major c. supraspinatus d. infraspinatus BACK TO GAME
Topic 1: $500 Question The dorsal scapular nerve innervates which of the following muscles? a. rhomboid minor b. rhomboid major c. serratus anterior d. a and b BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 1: $500 Answer The dorsal scapular nerve innervates which of the following muscles? a. rhomboid minor b. rhomboid major c. serratus anterior d. a and b BACK TO GAME
Topic 2: $100 Question The infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula is the site of origin for which of the following muscles? a. long head of triceps brachii b. lateral head of triceps brachii c. medial head of triceps brachii d. a and c BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 2: $100 Answer The infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula is the site of origin for which of the following muscles? a. long head of triceps brachii b. lateral head of triceps brachii c. medial head of triceps brachii d. a and c BACK TO GAME
Topic 2: $200 Question With the forearm pronated, which muscle cannot function effectively due to the position of its muscular insertion? a. anconeus b. triceps brachii c. biceps brachii d. supinator BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 2: $200 Answer With the forearm pronated, which muscle cannot function effectively due to the position of its muscular insertion? a. anconeus b. triceps brachii c. biceps brachii d. supinator BACK TO GAME
Topic 2: $300 Question The extensor carpi radialis longus is innervated by which nerve? a. median nerve b. deep radial nerve c. musculocutaneous nerve d. radial nerve BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 2: $300 Answer The extensor carpi radialis longus is innervated by which nerve? a. median nerve b. deep radial nerve c. musculocutaneous nerve d. radial nerve BACK TO GAME
Topic 2: $400 Question The deep branch of the ulnar nerve innervates which of the following? a. abductor pollicis brevis b. dorsal interosseous muscles c. flexor digiti minimi brevis d. b and c BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 2: $400 Answer The deep branch of the ulnar nerve innervates which of the following? a. abductor pollicis brevis b. dorsal interosseous muscles c. flexor digiti minimi brevis d. b and c BACK TO GAME
Topic 2: $500 Question Which of the following is not an action of the dorsal interosseous hand muscles? a. adduction at metacarpophalangeal joints of digits 2, 4, and 5 b. flexion at metacarpophalangeal joints c. extension at interphalangeal joints d. abduction at metacarpophalangeal joints of digits 2-4 BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 2: $500 Answer Which of the following is not an action of the dorsal interosseous hand muscles? a. adduction at metacarpophalangeal joints of digits 2, 4, and 5 b. flexion at metacarpophalangeal joints c. extension at interphalangeal joints d. abduction at metacarpophalangeal joints of digits 2-4 BACK TO GAME
Topic 3: $100 Question Which muscle does not insert into the greater trochanter of the femur? a. obturators b. gemelli c. pectineus d. piriformis BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 3: $100 Answer Which muscle does not insert into the greater trochanter of the femur? a. obturators b. gemelli c. pectineus d. piriformis BACK TO GAME
Topic 3: $200 Question Which muscle(s) facilitate(s) extension and lateral rotation at the hip? a. gluteus minimus b. piriformis c. gluteus medius d. gluteus maximus BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 3: $200 Answer Which muscle facilitates extension and lateral rotation at the hip? a. gluteus minimus b. piriformis c. gluteus medius d. gluteus maximus BACK TO GAME
Topic 3: $300 Question The gemelli are members of which of the following muscle group? a. gluteal group b. lateral rotator group c. adductor group d. iliopsoas group BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 3: $300 Answer The gemelli are members of which of the following muscle group? a. gluteal group b. lateral rotator group c. adductor group d. iliopsoas group BACK TO GAME
Topic 3: $400 Question The inferior ramus of the pubis is not the site of origin for which muscle? a. pectineus b. adductor magnus c. adductor longus d. gracilis BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 3: $400 Answer The inferior ramus of the pubis is not the site of origin for which muscle? a. pectineus b. adductor magnus c. adductor longus d. gracilis BACK TO GAME
Topic 3: $500 Question The iliacus muscle is innervated by which nerve? a. branches of sacral plexus b. obturator nerve c. branches of lumbar plexus d. femoral nerve BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 3: $500 Answer The iliacus muscle is innervated by which nerve? a. branches of sacral plexus b. obturator nerve c. branches of lumbar plexus d. femoral nerve BACK TO GAME
Topic 4: $100 Question Which of the following muscles originate(s) on the anterior surface of the fibula? a. flexor digitorum longus b. flexor hallucis longus c. extensor digitorum longus d. a and b BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 4: $100 Answer Which of the following muscles originate(s) on the anterior surface of the fibula? a. flexor digitorum longus b. flexor hallucis longus c. extensor digitorum longus d. a and b BACK TO GAME
Topic 4: $200 Question The posterior surface of the medial condyle of the tibia is the site of insertion for which of the following muscles? a. biceps femoris b. semitendinosus c. semimembranosus d. All of the above. BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 4: $200 Answer The posterior surface of the medial condyle of the tibia is the site of insertion for which of the following muscles? a. biceps femoris b. semitendinosus c. semimembranosus d. All of the above. BACK TO GAME
Topic 4: $300 Question Which of the following muscles insert(s) at the base of the first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform? a. fibularis longus b. fibularis brevis c. gastrocnemius d. a and b BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 4: $300 Answer Which of the following muscles insert(s) at the base of the first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform? a. fibularis longus b. fibularis brevis c. gastrocnemius d. a and b BACK TO GAME
Topic 4: $400 Question Which nerve innervates the biceps femoris muscle? a. tibial nerve b. sciatic nerve c. femoral nerve d. deep fibular nerve BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 4: $400 Answer Which nerve innervates the biceps femoris muscle? a. tibial nerve b. sciatic nerve c. femoral nerve d. deep fibular nerve BACK TO GAME
Topic 4: $500 Question The tibial nerve does not innervate which of the following muscles? a. popliteus b. gastrocnemius c. plantaris d. soleus BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 4: $500 Answer The tibial nerve does not innervate which of the following muscles? a. popliteus b. gastrocnemius c. plantaris d. soleus BACK TO GAME
Topic 5: $100 Question Which muscle abducts the metatarsophalangeal joints of digits 3-4 of the foot? a. flexor hallucis brevis b. dorsal interossei muscles c. abductor hallucis d. peroneus (fibularis) brevis BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 5: $100 Answer Which muscle abducts the metatarsophalangeal joints of digits 3-4 of the foot? a. flexor hallucis brevis b. dorsal interossei muscles c. abductor hallucis d. peroneus (fibularis) brevis BACK TO GAME
Topic 5: $200 Question The extensor carpi ulnaris muscle is in which upper limb compartment? a. superficial anterior compartment b. deep anterior compartment c. lateral compartment d. posterior compartment BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 5: $200 Answer The extensor carpi ulnaris muscle is in which upper limb compartment? a. superficial anterior compartment b. deep anterior compartment c. lateral compartment d. posterior compartment BACK TO GAME
Topic 5: $300 Question Which of the following is/are not a function(s) of the adductor hallucis muscle? a. adduction at metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux b. extension at metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux c. flexion at metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux d. b and d BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 5: $300 Answer Which of the following is/are not a function(s) of the adductor hallucis muscle? a. adduction at metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux b. extension at metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux c. flexion at metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux d. b and d BACK TO GAME
Topic 5: $400 Question Flexion at joints of digits 2-5 of the foot is an action of which of the following muscles? a. abductor digiti minimi b. quadratus plantae c. abductor hallucis d. dorsal interossei BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 5: $400 Answer Flexion at joints of digits 2-5 of the foot is an action of which of the following muscles? a. abductor digiti minimi b. quadratus plantae c. abductor hallucis d. dorsal interossei BACK TO GAME
Topic 5: $500 Question Which of the following muscles is/are not innervated by the lateral plantar nerve? a. flexor hallucis brevis b. flexor digitorum brevis c. extensor digitorum brevis d. All of the above. BACK TO GAME ANSWER
Topic 5: $500 Answer Which of the following muscles is/are not innervated by the lateral plantar nerve? a. flexor hallucis brevis b. flexor digitorum brevis c. extensor digitorum brevis d. All of the above. BACK TO GAME
FINAL ROUND Question The anterior interosseous artery supplies which of the following upper limb compartments? a. anterior compartment of the arm b. superficial anterior compartment of the forearm c. deep anterior compartment of the forearm d. lateral compartment of the forearm BACK TO GAME ANSWER
FINAL ROUND Answer The anterior interosseous artery supplies which of the following upper limb compartments? a. anterior compartment of the arm b. superficial anterior compartment of the forearm c. deep anterior compartment of the forearm d. lateral compartment of the forearm BACK TO GAME