Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 1 I/O in C + Misc Lecture –
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 2 Input : movement of data into memory from the outside world. read operation Changes the value of the variable Output: movement of data from memory to outside world. write operation does not change value of memory
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 3 In C, input and output is handled by a set of standard library functions. Conceptually, C performs all I/O on text streams. The standard input stream from the keyboard is referred to as stdin. The standard output stream is referred to as stdout,
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 4 Single character input : getchar getchar reads a single character from stdin char ch; ch = getchar(); The getchar function accepts any character types in including newline, blank, and tab.
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 5 Single character output : putchar putchar prints a single character to stdout char ch;... putchar (ch) ;
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 6 Example /* Read a character from the keyboard and output it in reverse case */ #include main() { char alpha; printf (“\n Enter a alphabet (lowercase or uppercase): “); alpha = getchar(); if (islower(alpha)) putchar (toupper(alpha)); else putchar (tolower(alpha)); }
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 7 Display formatted output (printf) printf (“Enter %d positive numbers:”, num1*2); printf (“control string”, list of expressions) ; Control string gives the format of output. Expressions are what to output %d is a placeholder for an int value. printf (“The %d-th character is %c\n”, i, ch); % placeholders in format string match expressions in output list in number, order, type.
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 8 Read input : scanf scanf (“control string”, &input list) ; scanf(“%d”, &number); scanf(“%d%lf”,&studentId, &grade); Input list variables must be preceded by an & % placeholders in the format must match variables in the input list. one-for-one in number, order, and type.
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 9 Whitespace “Whitespace”: space ‘ ‘, tab ‘\t’, newline ‘\n’ Skipped by scanf for int (%d) and double (%lf) user can type spaces before a number and they are ignored. Not skipped for char input (%c) each character typed, including spaces, is used
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 10 Review: Mixed Mode Arithmetic What is 2 * 3.14 ? The compiler implicitly (automatically) converts int to double when they occur together. Generally in mixed expressions, the variable whose type has lower precision is promoted to the type of the variable with higher precision. int unsigned int unsigned long int long int float double long double higher precision
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 11 double d; int x=5, y=2; double dx=5.0, dy=2.0; d = x/y; printf(“1. d =%f\n”, d); d = dx/y; printf(“2. d =%f\n”, d); d = x/dy; printf(“3. d =%f\n”, d);
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 12 Assignment : mixed mode float i, j; i = 1.99; j = -1.99; printf (“i = %d, j = %d\n”, i, j); /* floating point numbers are truncated while converting to int */ Assignment rules: If the two operands in an assignment expression are of different data types, then the value of the righthand operand will be converted to the type of the operand on the left. A float value is truncated if assigned to an int. A double identifier is rounded if assigned to a float. An int may be altered if assigned to a short int or to a char.
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 13 Explicit conversions: case (type) expression; double avg = total/count; double avg = (double)total / (double)count; ((int)(i+f)) % 4 /* i is int, f is float */
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 14 Errors Syntax : the required form of the program The C compiler catched these “syntax errors” Semantics and logic: what the program means what you want it to do The C compiler cannot catch these kinds of errors.
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 15 Library functions: stdio.h int getchar (void) int printf(...) int putchar(c) int rand(void) int scanf(...)
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 16 Library functions: math.h double acos (double) double asin (double) double atan (double) double ceil (double) double floor (double) double cos(double) double exp(double) double fabs (double) double log (double) double log10 (double) double pow (double, double) double sin (double) double sinh (double) double cosh (double) double tan (double) double tanh (double) double sqrt(double)
Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 17 Library functions: ctype.h int isalnum (char) int isalpha (char) int isascii (char) int isdigit (char) int islower (char) int ispunct (char) int isspace (char) int isupper (char) int toascii (char) int tolower (char) int toupper (char)