Flow chart of the program Start Input a password Is it greater than 6 characters No Is it greater than 6 characters Is it greater than 12 characters yes
Flow chart of the program Output password OK and write to spreadsheet file Set Counter, uppers, lowers, numerics Puncts to Zero For each character in password Is the character lcase or lowercase ? lowers = lowers +1 yes No Is the character ucase or Uppercase ? Uppers= Uppers+1 Yes Is the character Numeric ? Numbers = Numbers + 1 Yes Is the character not lcase or ucase or numeric? Punct = punct + 1 No Yes
All characters checked? No Password status = uppers, l+ owers, numerics + Puncts Output password strength and write to file REPEAT INPUT the password len=length of password IF len 12 THEN PRINT suitable error message UNTIL len >=6 and <=12 PRINT password OK Initialise upper, lower, puncts and number to 0 FOR i = 1 TO len For Counter = 1 To Len(ValidPassword(howmanypasswords)) Select Case Asc(Mid(ValidPassword(howmanypasswords), Counter, 1)) Case 47 To 57 numerics = numerics + 1 Case 65 To 90 uppers = uppers + 1 Case 97 To 122 lowers = lowers + 1 Case Else puncts = puncts + 1 End Select Next Counter If uppers > 0 And lowers > 0 And puncts > 0 And numerics > 0 Then passwordstatus = "Extra Strong" ElseIf uppers > 0 And lowers > 0 And numerics > 0 Then passwordstatus = "Strong" ElseIf alphas > 0 And (puncts > 0 Or numerics > 0) Then passwordstatus = "Medium" ElseIf uppers > 0 And lowers > 0 Then passwordstatus = "Medium“ Else passwordstatus = "Weak“ Endif Stop