Artificial Intelligence Adnan Haider
Background Developing hardware & software capable of intelligent thinking. John McCarthy in 1955 the science and engineering of making intelligent machines
History AI appeared in Greek myths Founded in 1956 at Dartmouth College 1990s and early 2000s great success for AI Data Mining and Medical Diagnosis Machine Learning IBM Watson Jeopardy
Problems for Society How to apply AI? To what degree? Take control over humans? The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." -Stephen Hawking Human labor Use cases: Security, NLP, Climate, etc
Solutions to problems Make AI fundamentally on humanity’s side Prohibit AI from entering different markets
Solutions to problems (continued) Federally regulated AI development Government infiltration of private sector
Future of problems How to make computers super intelligent? Machine Learning Deep neural networks Google/Facebook Mere computation vs. actual intelligence
Long ways to go…
Research Sources orvig orvig ckworthGoebel ckworthGoebel