Local Church Identity
The Pattern Of Revival: Hearts turned to God, minds uncovering God’s pattern.
The Pattern Of Revival: Hearts turned to God, minds uncovering God’s pattern. Jehoida, 2 Chronicles 23: Sought out God’s commands. Studied how to execute God’s commands. Studied the pattern of worship from God’s people before him.
The Pattern Of Revival: Hearts turned to God, minds uncovering God’s pattern. Hezekiah, 2 Chronicles 29:5-11. Restored Temple worship. Restored Sacrifice ordinances. Restored ancient form of music worship.
The Pattern Of Revival: Hearts turned to God, minds uncovering God’s pattern. Josiah, 2 Chronicles 34: Passover. Priests. Ancient music worship.
The Pattern Of Revival: Hearts turned to God, minds uncovering God’s pattern. Nehemiah. Priests & Offerings. Ancient Music Worship.
4:17 11:17:17 11:2 16:1 14:3311:16 14:34 Acts Moral of Pattern Issues Roles Worship
Un. Bread1 st Day Reason WineOf Devoted For “Do This” Week Meetings (Not Every day) Pattern Of Lord’s Supper?
Lord’s Supper: Unleavened Bread, Wine. Every 1 st Day Of The Week.