Monday: Correct the following sentences: 1.Among Hurstons work is talks like How the Snake Got Poison and Why the Waves Have Whitecaps. 2.Such tales are traditional answers to questions about why natural occurrences happen. 3.Hurston wrote many stories in dialect, that’s a way of writing that suggests the way words sound. 4.For example she uses intentional misspellings and leaves off letters in a word like “evenin” (evening) or “em” (them).
Tuesday: Do you think there is truth to this one? What are your thoughts?
Wednesday: Respond to the following journal prompt: If you could participate in an Olympic event, which one would you choose and why? If you could break the Guiness Book of Records it would be for? *Remember at least 5 sentences!
Thursday: Correct the following sentences: 1.John Henry took tremendous pride in his speed and skill, no one could equal John Henry’s power. 2.One day a man come to the crew boss. The man was a salesman for a steam drill company. 3.The salesmen bets that his steam drill could drill faster than any man alive. 4.John henry beat the machine but he died like he had once predicted with a hammer in his hand.
Friday: What do you think the interviewer was talking about? Why do you think he was frustrated with the interviewee?