Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Review of the first results from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan Csörgő, Tamás Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary Critical opalescence for critical point Critical exponents Excitation function (onset) of known effects Outlook Experimental search for QCD CP
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Status of the perfect fluid picture Status of the perfect fluid picture J. Adams et al, STAR Collaboration, Nucl.Phys. A757 (2005) K. Adcox, … et al, PHENIX Coll., Nucl. Phys. A757 (2005) Experimental observation of phenomena that are in contrast with expectations that the new phase is dominated by known, perturbative properties of QCD (asymptotic freedom → gasous phase) Scientific Guiness Record (2012): The hottest man-made matter (T ≥ 4 Terakelvin) is a fluid of quarks. White Papers from BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS and STAR: AIP Top Physics Story (2005) ~ 1500 citations/each (2012) Hydro is the relevant picture
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. 4 steps 4 a definitive CEP discovery 4 steps 4 a definitive CEP discovery
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Different correlations 4 different QGPs Different correlations 4 different QGPs
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Excitation function: HBT Gaussian radii Excitation function: HBT Gaussian radii
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Multiplicity scaling: HBT Gaussian radii Multiplicity scaling: HBT Gaussian radii
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Critical Opalescence
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Optical opacity: include length scale T. Csörgő, BNL, 2009
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. RHIC BES, identifed particle v2 RHIC BES, identifed particle v2
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Perfect fluid picture Perfect fluid picture T. Cs, B.Lörstad, Phys. Rev. C54 (1996) 1390: spectra, HBT M. Csanád, T. Cs, B. Lörstad, Nucl. Phys. A747, 80 (2004): v2 Based on CERN SPS data, from 1994-: hydro is proposed to explain the observed scaling behaviour: spektra, v 2, HBT 2005-, based on RHIC data: Hydro is the relevant picture
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. RHIC BES, non-identifed particle v2 RHIC BES, non-identifed particle v2 STAR, nucl-ex/
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Beam Energy Scan, universal scaling Beam Energy Scan, universal scaling A. Ster, talk at Zimányi 2012 Winter School on RHIC M. Csanád, T. Cs, A. Ster et al, Eur.Phys.J. A38 (2008) Based on STAR RHIC data, 2012-, charged particle v2 Hydro is the relevant picture from sqrt(s) = 7.7 GeV up (?) What about identified particle v2?
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. RHIC BES, identifed particle v2 RHIC BES, identifed particle v2
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. status of nq scaling of 200 GeV status of nq scaling of 200 GeV PHENIX Au+Au 200 GeV, nucl-ex/ : scaling violations from 10% up Radial flow effect?
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. RHIC BES, identifed particle spectra RHIC BES, identifed particle spectra STAR, nucl-ex/ : spectra look like hydro /BL
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. RHIC BES + centrality, freeze-out RHIC BES + centrality, freeze-out STAR, nucl-ex/
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. RHIC BES, identifed particle Rcp RHIC BES, identifed particle Rcp STAR, nucl-ex/ : Rcp sets on at ~ 39 GeV Question: Is this an sQGP or a radial flow effect?
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Summary Perfect fluid hydro ≠ sQGP Universal v2 scaling ≠ nq scaling of v2 √s ~ 11 GeV ≠ ~ 40 GeV Does RAA < 1 and nq scaling of v2 both start at the same √s? Search for CEP: Include femtoscopic info Energy loss / unit lenght Look for Critical opalescence Critical exponents
Zimányi Winter School, ELTE, 6/12/ Csörgő T. Acknowledgments