1. condescend (verb) – to do something you think is beneath you (adj. ) = condescending Examples: Synonyms : to go down, to lower, to descend, patronize Antonyms : to praise He condescended to their intellectual level in order to be understood. a condescending remark
2. prophetic (adj.) – of or like being able to predict the future. (vb.) - to prophesy (noun) - prophecy Examples: I would like to prophesy who would win the elections. The teacher’s prophecy that the boy would become famous was later fulfilled. Synonyms : visionary, fatidic
3. inarticulate (adj.) – unable to speak clearly Examples: His inarticulate speech was received with a shrug of shoulders. Synonyms : incoherent, inexpressive Antonyms : coherent, expressive,
4. contemptuous (adj.) – showing or feeling scorn; disdainful Examples: Synonyms : arrogant, condescending, scornful, disapproving, Antonyms : praising. admiring His contemptuous remarks brought him notoriety.
antiquity (noun) – ancient times; a thing or people from ancient times. Examples: antiquities Synonyms : Antique, relic Antonyms : Newness, novelty, originality The king collected all sorts of antiquities. antiques
heresy (noun) – a belief different from accepted doctrine. Examples: Synonyms : Dissent, sacrilege People used to be burned for heresy in the medieval times. Gallileo Galilei was suspected of heresy due to his theory that the Sun was at the center of the universe, and not the Earth.