Genetic Counseling They specialized health professionals that help that have genetic disorders or birth effects. The people getting genetic counseling has to bring and their medical information to the counselor.
They use the history to find out what inherited disease they could pass on to their children.
It is to determine if you have a certain kind of disease. 3 Reasons for Genetic Testing There is a family history of a certain kind of disease. A person shows symptoms of a genetic disorder. They are worried about passing on a genetic problem to their children.
Genetic Counseling can warn the people what diseases they can pass on to their children. You can know what disease your will get and you could try to fix it.
If we keep researching and being able to alter our children's genes then some people may take advantage of it and want to pick out their child’s characteristics. I don’t think that would be fair to them. They wouldn’t have their uniqueness.