Tsunami Recovery Plan By: Baba Qazi
Disaster Analysis Intro: The tsunami was caused by the lower plate, which was carrying India, was being forced beneath the upper plate, which was carrying most of south-east Asia. This caused great stress to build up and this stress was released in a form of a horrific earthquake on December 26.
The Devastation This great earthquake took the lives of more than 130,000 people and at least 37,000 others remain missing. Several people rely on selling fish (working in the fish market) to make money for supporting their families. But this disaster greatly destroyed the infrastructure that supports this industry, leaving several without a way to earn any income. This tsunami also caused the world’s worst train disaster. 40,000 people lost their lives in this disaster. It was said that the coastline was a graveyard for quite some time.
Disaster Relief Intro: Tsunamis change most peoples lives for the worst. They can easily take your life, or of your loved ones. But can also destroy peoples’ businesses, homes, and families.
Solutions I think the Indian Ocean Warning System is a great new form of technology which could prove to be very helpful in giving much better warning to inhabitants in danger of being hit. Flooding has also caused contaminated water and food supply for the people. I would purify the polluted water for these people so there is less risk of disease. There is a lack of medical facilities there as well, which doesn’t allow people with illnesses to be treated as well as they could. We would need to build several medical facilities so we can prevent many more diseases and help those that are in severe need of assistance. This disaster has caused great need for fanancial assistance as well. There are several people unemployed, those who have lost their housing, and those who cannot support their families. We would need to rebuild those industries and busineses that provide the people of the area with an opportunity to earn money and for those who are unemployed, to get jobs.